#40 Stack your resources
Advanced, ages 2-18
Complete Worksheet #12 Stack your resources in your Responsive Discipline Journal.
When the problem occurs, perform the resource trigger before doing anything else.

Marjorie's baby Julie cries a lot. As a single parent, Marjorie is under a lot of pressure. Several times she has become angry at Julie's continued crying during the night. At these moments of fatigue, Marjorie feels like she might lose control over 1xbet online games login actions. She wants to be more patient, loving, and relaxed when Julie starts to cry.
Patience reminds 1xbet online games login of 1xbet online games login grandmother who taught 1xbet online games login to cook. Loving reminds 1xbet online games login of an affectionate grandfather who gave 1xbet online games login gentle hugs. For relaxing 1xbet online games login recalls a stream 1xbet online games login used to visit when 1xbet online games login was a child.
While touching 1xbet online games login hand to 1xbet online games login heart, she recalls vividly both grandparents and what they would say to 1xbet online games login if they were present. She also imagines the stream and all of its sounds and practices associating 1xbet online games login memories with the heart touches several times each day, experiencing the feelings of patience, love, and serenity in 1xbet online games login imagination.
At night when Julie begins to cry, Marjorie pauses, places 1xbet online games login hand over 1xbet online games login heart and recalls 1xbet online games login resources of patience, love and serenity. After a few moments, she feels a little calmer and is ready to help 1xbet online games login baby.

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