In each of the three 1xbet online casino sets (Prevention, Guidance, Consequences), tools are organized into three levels of difficulty and challenge. On the Discipline Toolbox cards, we use standard shapes:

Basic = square Intermediate = triangle Advanced = circle

The shapes represent how difficult a 1xbet online casino might be, in general, to actually use the 1xbet online casino effectively. Of course, a lot depends on the child and your experience. Ages given for each 1xbet online casino are approximations only.

On this website, clicking on the 1xbet online casino # will take you to a description of that 1xbet online casino and at least one example of its use. This information is identical to what is on the Discipline Toolbox cards. If you have not already downloaded the posters, you can do so here:

Download Responsive Discipline Posters (PDF)

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