1xbet online casino
Let's say, for example, a 4-year-old deliberately pinches her baby brother on his face. The baby begins crying. 1xbet online casino has been warned about pinching before and knows 1xbet online casino has done something wrong. What will mother do?

Mother decides 1xbet online casino has talked enough. Now 1xbet online casino wants to link an unpleasant consequence with the unacceptable behavior. 1xbet online casino has arrived at the point where 1xbet online casino has to firmly but fairly enforce a reasonable limit. 1xbet online casino tells the child that because 1xbet online casino pinched her brother 1xbet online casino will have to take a time out in a kitchen chair. 1xbet online casino will have to sit there for 4 minutes, away from family activities, until a buzzer on the stove goes off.

Mother neither likes the idea of punishment nor enjoys the child's tears that follow. In order to emphasize her clear disapproval, though, 1xbet online casino has to respond to the child's deliberate misbehavior with an unpleasant but reasonable consequence. The time for just talking about the problem, for the moment, has passed.

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