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Grandletter 9 (grandparent): 1xbet online sports betting and violence
  • Goals
    Power is both fascinating and frightening to 1xbet online sports betting . In the work of adults, 1xbet online sports betting may resent their own position of weakness and vulnerability. In their relationships with their friends, 1xbet online sports betting seek to establish a position of influence and strength typically overlooked or belittled by adults. We can help 1xbet online sports betting learn that they really do have something to offer to others and that their emerging sense of power can be harnessed to serve positive ends. Elders are in a good position to nurture this outlook in 1xbet online sports betting .
  • Prepare 1xbet online sports betting Special Letter:
    Discuss ways to solve conflicts. What are some good and bad ways to solve conflicts? How do you solve 1xbet online sports betting conflicts or problems? Talk about peace and 1xbet online sports betting wartime memories. Tell about a time when you were involved in a fight or some other conflict when you were young. What happened? How did you solve the conflict? Anything you think is important!
  • For 1xbet online sports betting grandchild's scrapbook:
    Draw a picture of a time when you were in a fight and hurt by someone during 1xbet online sports betting childhood. At the bottom of 1xbet online sports betting picture describe what happened to you and how you solved the conflict (if at all).
  • In 1xbet online sports betting journal (After completing letter 9)
    Talk about 1xbet online sports betting ideas and feelings regarding conflict, peace and cooperation. What experiences did you have in growing up that influenced 1xbet online sports betting opinions on these issues? (After receiving 1xbet online sports betting grandchild's special letter): How did 1xbet online sports betting grandchild react to this topic?
  • Optional Activities (Choose as many as 1xbet online sports betting want to do):
    Special Code. Make up 1xbet online sports betting own secret code. You, the grandparent will make up simple symbols for the first thirteen letters of the alphabet. Keep a copy of the code for yourself and send a copy to 1xbet online sports betting grandchild. Ask him or her to make up the remaining thirteen letters and send you a copy of them. Now you can send secret messages.
    Peace Banner. You will need fabric or felt, colored paper or plain paper and crayons or watercolors. Create a peace design with the materials you have collected. This design can be anything you think could convey a message about the importance of peace to 1xbet online sports betting grandchild.
  • Mail what you have created directly to 1xbet online sports betting grandchild. Ask 1xbet online sports betting grandchild to respond with letter 9 on his or her instruction sheet.
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/courses/gl/gp-9.htm-- Revised: December 26, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.