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Grandletter 1xbet online casino
The scrapbook and journal are very important to this program. They will serve as records of both 1xbet online casino and the child's experiences. You and 1xbet online casino grandchild will each make 1xbet online casino own scrapbook. You will need a three-ring notebook or a similar folder for holding 1xbet online casino grandchild letters. The scrapbook will include drawings, pictures, letters, and activities 1xbet online casino grandchild has sent. At the end of the program, 1xbet online casino grandchild will have a scrapbook containing all the materials you sent.

The journal will be a record of 1xbet online casino personal thoughts and observations about each correspondence. You may write in the journal immediately after completing the letter and again after receiving 1xbet online casino grandchild's letter, or you may just write in the journal after you receive 1xbet online casino grandchild's letter. This will vary with each letter. 1xbet online casino reactions may either be written in a notebook or recorded on an audio-cassette tape.

Direct 1xbet online casino comments to 1xbet online casino grandchild as though he or she is now an adult. Imagine him or her now as a grown-up, sitting and reading 1xbet online casino works, feeling close to you, despite the passage of many years. The journal is like a time capsule, a precious record of you to be appreciated by an adult grandchild.

At the end of 1xbet online casino correspondence program, make a copy of the journal for yourself, if you wish, and give the original to the child's parents for safekeeping. Ask the parents to keep the journal in a safe place and to present it to 1xbet online casino grandchild when he or she reaches adulthood and can appreciate this record of a grandparent's interest and affection.

The scrapbooks are samples of work and thought that both you and 1xbet online casino grandchild can appreciate immediately. The journal is a personal record of 1xbet online casino thoughts and feelings about a variety of issues, an opportunity for you to reveal what you believe to be important to a grandchild when he or she reaches adulthood.

Both the scrapbook and journal will be special treasures with lasting value. They will bring you closer to 1xbet online casino grandchild and keep you in contact with him or her as time goes by. This program will help you and 1xbet online casino grandchild build a firm and lasting relationship despite the distance that separates you.

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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/courses/gl/index.htm-- Revised: December 26, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.