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Grandletter Instructions
These instructions are written from the grandparent's perspective. If you are a parent, feel free to make a copy of these instructions (and the weekly assignments for the grandparent) to send to the elder you hope to involve in the program with one of 1xbet best casino website children.
What 1xbet best casino website Need for the Program
  • 2 copies of these Program Instructions (the page 1xbet best casino website are now reading--one for 1xbet best casino website and one for the parents)
  • 1 copy of the 1xbet online games lo (for 1xbet best casino website )
  • 1 copy of the 1xbet online games lo (for 1xbet best casino website )
Steps for Success
Step 1. Choose one 1xbet best casino website , 7 to 12 years old
This grandchild should be one who doesn't visit 1xbet best casino website too often and would benefit from the exchange. If this grandchild has brothers or sisters who also fall into this age range, 1xbet best casino website might reduce the possibility of jealousy if 1xbet best casino website start with the oldest child. Explain to the others that 1xbet best casino website hope to repeat the program with them later.
Step 2. Contact the 1xbet best casino website 's parents
The parents' involvement will be required with some of the 1xbet best casino website 's activities. Send a set of these program instructions and the 1xbet best casino website Letters/Instructions to the child's parents describing the program and how they can help. Be sure to ask them to do the following:

1. Introduce the idea to their child. Parents should be sure that their child understands the program. Tell him/her that:

  • 1xbet best casino website grandparent will send you a special letter. In this special letter you will hear stories about 1xbet best casino website grandparent's life and do fun activities.
  • you will keep a scrapbook. You will keep the drawings, pictures, and special letters 1xbet best casino website grandparent sends you in this book. 1xbet best casino website parents will help you make the scrapbook.
  • 1xbet best casino website grandparent will tell you what to put in the return special letter. With each letter, you will receive instructions for fun activities to do and ideas to write about when it's 1xbet best casino website turn.
  • if you have any questions or need help, ask 1xbet best casino website Mom or Dad.
  • send 1xbet best casino website own special letter back to 1xbet best casino website grandparent.

2. Read materials carefully.

1xbet best casino website will send the directions for the grandchild's letters directly to the parent. Encourage them to contact 1xbet best casino website with questions.

3. Explain to other siblings.

If the child has brothers or sisters, parents should explain that the grandparent can only do this correspondence with one child at a time.

4. Help child make the scrapbook.

The child will need a three-ring notebook or a similar folder for holding the pictures, drawings and letters 1xbet best casino website send.

5. Answer the child's questions.

Parents should be available to answer any questions the child may have about the activities. If he or she needs help carrying out the activities, parents should be ready to give encouragement, ideas, and help.

6. Encourage their child to talk about the special letters.

7. Help with other arrangements.

Parents may need to help the child locate or borrow an audio-cassette recorder, help purchase audio-cassette tapes or writing materials, or help in packaging and mailing of the special letters and activities.
Step 3. Decide how to correspond
You may write or type 1xbet best casino website special letters or you may tape them with an audio-cassette recorder.
Step 4. Decide how often to correspond
Most correspondences should take place at least once every two weeks. Allow sufficient time for mailing.
Step 5. Plan the special letter
Read through all Grandparent Letters/Instructions carefully, paying special attention to the outline of the first letter and complete the checklist of activities. Discuss 1xbet best casino website ideas and thoughts and ask 1xbet best casino website grandchild to do the same about the key topic in 1xbet best casino website special letter. Do as many of the additional optional activities as you wish and feel free to include anything you think relates to the topic. Before mailing, listen to or read 1xbet best casino website letter to make sure you have made 1xbet best casino website points clearly.
Step 6. Mail 1xbet best casino website special letter
Address and mail the material directly to 1xbet best casino website grandchild.
Step 7. Enjoy what 1xbet best casino website grandchild sends
Be aware of 1xbet best casino website grandchild's reactions to the activities and be flexible in 1xbet best casino website future planning. Be patient. Correspondence may take longer to complete and send in than what you would hope. Contact the child's parents if the delay is more than 2 weeks to work on resolving unforeseen problems. If the child loses interest completely, don't become discouraged. Choose a different child and begin again.
Step 8. Follow-up
Let 1xbet best casino website grandchild's parents know what the course has meant to you. Record 1xbet best casino website feelings, thoughts, and reactions in 1xbet best casino website journal.
These ten letters you have exchanged will have created a strong foundation for a continuing relationship with 1xbet best casino website grandchild. When this program is over, we hope you will take the initiative to continue strengthening the relationship. If you and 1xbet best casino website grandchild have enjoyed these letters, continue corresponding. Identify goals that are relevant and important to you and 1xbet best casino website grandchild. As 1xbet best casino website grandchild grows older, examine problems and concerns that he or she faces. Think back to 1xbet best casino website childhood to find some of these concerns. Create 1xbet best casino website own activities to convey 1xbet best casino website ideas to each other.

Here are some suggestions of others ways to keep in touch:

  • Continue writing letters.
  • Continue exchanging cassette tapes.
  • Send postcards.
  • Send inexpensive gifts.
  • Prepare a grandparent newspaper.
  • Make phone calls.
  • Plan a visit.
  • Send the parent other things to store and give to the child after when he or she becomes an adult.

We are interested in hearing from you about GRANDLETTERS. What kinds of successes and problems did you have? Were the benefits worth 1xbet best casino website investment of time and effort? How did 1xbet best casino website grandchild react? Send 1xbet best casino website comments to:

Charles A. Smith, Ph.D.
Extension Specialist, Human Development
R304 Justin Hall Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

May 1xbet best casino website words reach out to defeat time and distance to enrich the life of a special young person.

Comments to Parents
1xbet best casino website support and involvement will contribute to the success of Grandletters. Read these instructions carefully and explain the program to 1xbet best casino website child. If he or she agrees to participate, let the grandparent know immediately. Make space and materials available to the child to respond to the grandparent's letters. Keep the Grandchild Letters/Instructions in a safe place and show them to the grandchild as needed. Remember, the grandparent sends his or her letter #1 then the grandchild sends he or her letter #1. When the grandparent receives this letter then he or she sends letter #2 and so on. If you child's interest waivers, encourage, but don't force them to participate.

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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/courses/gl/instruct.htm-- Revised: December 26, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.