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Grandletter 8 (grandparent): 1xbet online casino and justice
  • Goals
    All too often in our society, children identify with personal success. The performance of another person becomes more important than their own improvement. Research shows that grade school children can become so preoccupied with winning that they are willing to sacrifice their own personal gain to ensure failure by others. We can help children realize that learning and personal growth should never be sacrificed for winning and that 1xbet online casino can be used as a challenge to improve rather than as a opportunity to defeat someone else.
  • Prepare 1xbet online casino Special Letter:
    Talk about competition, possibly as it relates to sports or exhibiting at fairs. Tell how 1xbet online casino felt competing. Talk about good and bad competition and good and bad winners and losers. Talk about competition and how it can be sued as a challenge to improve. Anything 1xbet online casino think is important!
  • For 1xbet online casino grandchild's scrapbook:
    Enlarge the illustration of the first place ribbon on a piece of construction paper. Cut it out, making a number 1 or 1st Place in the center. Or gather a length of ribbon and cover a button with ribbon, making a number 1 in the center. Attach the gathered ribbon to the button to make a rosette. Attach streamers at the bottom with glue. Attach the ribbon to a piece of paper for the scrapbook. On this paper write the reasons why you think 1xbet online casino grandchild is number 1 for you.
  • In 1xbet online casino journal (After completing letter 8)
    How do you feel about competition? What was 1xbet online casino experience with competition and cooperation as a child? Can you remember and describe any childhood incidents that made an impression on you? (After receiving 1xbet online casino grandchild's special letter): Are there any ideas about winning and losing you would like to convey? How did 1xbet online casino grandchild respond to this issue?
  • Optional Activities (Choose as many as 1xbet online casino want to do):
    Compare 1xbet online casino . Cut small angular pieces from assorted colors of tissue paper. Glue an overlapping collage design on paper or cardboard. Frame it. On the back of the picture offer suggestions to 1xbet online casino grandchild to improve and create his or her own collage to send to you. Explain how the collages can be different, emphasizing that each will be special in its own way. Also, each will show the abilities and interests of the person who made it.
    1xbet online casino Improvement. Make a list of activities that 1xbet online casino compete in. After each item write a brief explanation of ways 1xbet online casino can improve in this activity.
  • Mail what you have created directly to 1xbet online casino grandchild. Ask 1xbet online casino grandchild to respond with letter 8 on his or her instruction sheet.
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/courses/gl/gp-8.htm-- Revised: December 26, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. 1xbet online casino rights reserved.