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Grandletter 2 (grandparent): Family and heritage
  • Goals
    Children's attitudes toward the life cycle can be profoundly affected by their contact with elders. Their feelings about their own future will be influenced by the way their grandparents approach life. But children also want to establish some sense of connection with the past. What was it like before they were born? What did their parents and grandparents do when they were young? In a child's eyes, grandparents are living repositories of change and history. They have seen so many things and experienced so much of what life has to offer. Only the older generation can provide children with a glimpse of living history as seen by someone who was really there.
  • Prepare 1xbet best casino website Special Letter:
    Where and when were you born? Where did you grow up? How many brothers and sisters did you have? What did 1xbet best casino website parents do for a living? Discuss 1xbet best casino website growing up - games played, sports, school days, work experiences and exciting events witnessed. Talk about some of the dramatic changes - television, the planes, computers, etc. - that have taken place since you were a child. Anything you think is important!
  • For 1xbet best casino website grandchild's scrapbook:
    Construct 1xbet best casino website family tree. Sketch a tree on a piece of paper. Label the branches and roots on 1xbet best casino website family tree. Write 1xbet best casino website complete name and the names of 1xbet best casino website mother and father on the tree trunk. Trace 1xbet best casino website roots on 1xbet best casino website mother's and father's sides of the family. Try to include the birth names of all female ancestors.
  • In 1xbet best casino website journal (After completing letter 2)
    Describe some of the events of 1xbet best casino website past that you think 1xbet best casino website grandchild would like to know about. Mention any stories 1xbet best casino website parents or other relatives may have told you. Talk about what life was like when you grew up. (After receiving 1xbet best casino website grandchild's special letter): Identify some of the things 1xbet best casino website grandchild likes to do and contrast them with what children his or her age did when you were young.
  • Optional Activities (Choose as many as 1xbet best casino website want to do):
    Decorate 1xbet best casino website Scrapbook. If 1xbet best casino website completed the Me Mobile in Letter #1, use the symbols to decorate the cover of 1xbet best casino website scrapbook.
    Family Picture. Find an old picture of yourself or 1xbet best casino website parents that you would be willing to part with or have another photo made from 1xbet best casino website copy. Place this picture on a sheet of typing paper and write a brief explanation of the picture.
    Life Line. On a long strip of paper, draw a heavy horizontal line representing Life. Mark Birth and the date at the left end. Mark significant pictures, mementos or brief descriptions to signify these points.
    Something from the Past. Send a picture or description of something owned or made by an ancestor. Include a description of how the object was made or used.
    Family Food. If you have a traditional food or dish that 1xbet best casino website mother or grandmother prepared, send the recipe to 1xbet best casino website grandchild. Explain how it became a tradition in 1xbet best casino website family.
  • Mail what you have created directly to 1xbet best casino website grandchild. Ask 1xbet best casino website grandchild to respond with letter 2 on his or her instruction sheet.
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/courses/gl/gp-2.htm-- Revised: December 26, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.