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AngelicaGrandletter 6 (child): Honesty and commitment
  • Read 1xbet online games login Special Letter from 1xbet online games login grandparent.
  • Prepare 1xbet online games login Special Letter:
    Tell about a time when you lied or wanted to lie. How did you feel about lying? Describe a time when someone lied to you. How did you feel about this? Anything you think is important!
  • For 1xbet online games login grandparent's scrapbook:
    Draw the outline of several balloons on a piece of paper. Inside each balloon write a truthful statement, such as, I really like you, or I am 1xbet online games login grandson.
  • Optional Activities (Choose as many as you want to do):
    Tall Tales. Write 1xbet online games login own tall tale. Be outrageous in 1xbet online games login descriptions by making up a wild pretend story. If you wish, instead of inventing a pretend story, you could describe something that really happened to you that is very interesting. Ask 1xbet online games login grandparent to guess whether 1xbet online games login story is true or a tall tale.
    Special Commitments. Make a list of ways you keep the special commitments you have to 1xbet online games login friends, showing them you are a good friend.
  • Mail 1xbet online games login letter and anything else you made to 1xbet online games login grandparent.

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