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AngelicaGrandletter 5 (child): Respect for elders
  • Read 1xbet online games login Special Letter from 1xbet online games login grandparent.
  • Prepare 1xbet online games login Special Letter:
    Describe what you think are the major changes in a person's life as they become older adults. Identify the problems you think grandparents may have. What skills might actually improve with age? Tell about elderly people you know who have special skills or are very active. What is special about 1xbet online games login grandparent? Anything you think is important!
  • For 1xbet online games login grandparent's scrapbook:
    Draw a picture of some activity that you think is interesting or would like to see 1xbet online games login grandparent try. Write a brief explanation of 1xbet online games login drawing.
  • Optional Activities (Choose as many as 1xbet online games login want to do):
    Making a Mosaic. Save 1xbet online games login ; wash and dry. Dip the shells in food coloring, using several colors. Spread them out to dry. Crush the 1xbet online games login after they dry. Draw a design on a sheet of paper and glue the colored shells into a mosaic. To do this glue them with their edges almost touching each other.
    Grandpicture Draw a portrait of 1xbet online games login grandparent, using pictures you have of him or her. On the back write things you like about 1xbet online games login grandparent.
  • Mail 1xbet online games login letter and anything else you made to 1xbet online games login grandparent.

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