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AngelicaGrandletter 10 (child): Sadness and grief
  • Read 1xbet online casino Special Letter from 1xbet online casino grandparent.
  • Prepare 1xbet online casino Special Letter:
    Talk about some of the times you were sad and what you did to deal with 1xbet online casino feelings. Talk about things that you feel happy about. Tell 1xbet online casino grandparent what you liked about 1xbet online casino letter exchange. What did you learn about yourself and him or her? Tell 1xbet online casino grandparent how you feel about him or her. Anything you think is important!
  • For 1xbet online casino grandparent's scrapbook:
    Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner across a sheet of paper. Paste a yellow construction paper sun in the upper half and a blue construction paper cloud on the lower half. Cut out pictures from magazines that portray something that brightens or saddens you. Paste these pictures on the upper or lower part of the page depending on the feeling you assign them. On the back of the page explain why these things brighten or sadden 1xbet online casino day.
  • Optional Activities (Choose as many as 1xbet online casino want to do):
    Feeling Badges. Design badges of various sizes and shapes. Attach labels of feelings like sad, excited or happy to them. Find a picture in magazines to match 1xbet online casino feelings.
    Tree of Life. Draw the trunk and branches of a tree on a large sheet of 1xbet online casino . Make some leaves of construction 1xbet online casino . Label some of the leaves with names of living things. Attach these to the branches. Label the other leaves with names of things that have died and place them on the ground under the tree.
  • Mail 1xbet online casino letter and anything else you made to 1xbet online casino grandparent.

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