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Learn new words for talking about 1xbet best casino website
As we look back on our 1xbet best casino website , we could reflect on the words we used to describe how we felt. (Review "Use words to accurately own my own emotions" from a previous lesson.)

#27 Words for 1xbet best casino website
Imagine two different experiences: one when 1xbet best casino website are afraid and another when 1xbet best casino website are angry. For each of these two emotions, how would 1xbet best casino website describe your feelings directly or through metaphor, or through the action 1xbet best casino website feel like doing? In this journal entry, draw three rows with the labels, direct, metaphor, and action.

Direct means using a word that is very similar to anger or is a synonym for anger. Write a few words in the row other than anger that could be used to alert the other person how 1xbet best casino website feel.

Metaphor is a "feel like a" expression. 1xbet best casino website compare your anger to something else. In this row, write a couple of statements that begin with "I feel like a ______."

Action means talking about the action the feeling urges 1xbet best casino website to do. If the action is inappropriate, make sure 1xbet best casino website say so. 1xbet best casino website are not saying 1xbet best casino website are going to do something, only that 1xbet best casino website feel like doing something. In this row, write a couple of statements that begin with "I feel like ______" and name the action.

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