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Reach out for informal support
A second anger management skill involves connecting by phone or by person with someone 1xbet online casino trust to discuss the observations 1xbet online casino made during the cool down check.

These resource people should be "straight" thinkers and caring, honest communicators. By "straight" thinker, I mean someone who can connect pieces of information and think through a problem with you. 1xbet online casino should not add to your confusion or add to any irrational thinking.

1xbet online casino should be a caring listeners, someone interested in your story, not taking the focus away from you so 1xbet online casino can talk about their own problems. 1xbet online casino should also be willing to give their honest opinions about what 1xbet online casino hear.

These individuals are precious. If 1xbet online casino are good listeners, take what 1xbet online casino say seriously. Of course you may disagree. That's ok. But listen as much as possible with a cool mind.

Also, be sure to support them when 1xbet online casino need to talk. Give them something back. Be very careful about exhausting these sources of support. Try to find more than one person you can talk to.

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