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1xbet sports betting Stu

Frequently Asked Questions

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Common Questions:

1. A 1xbet online casino is not showing on my CANVAS roster but says they are enrolled, what should I do?

If a 1xbet online casino is not showing on your CANVAS roster it signals that they are not currently enrolled in your course in KSIS. There are a few questions or procedures you should do first to determine your next steps.

1. Log in to KSIS and check your 1xbet online casino roster

If you see the 1xbet online casino on your roster look at the Last Update Date/Time column which will tell you the date and time the 1xbet online casino enrolled in the course.

  • If you see a recent date it may take a bit to sync with CANVAS.
  • If it has been more than a day please connect with the Help Desk and let them know that you have a 1xbet online casino missing from your CANVAS course that has been enrolled and should be showing.

DO NOT MANUALLY ADD THE 1xbet online casino - if the 1xbet online casino is enrolled manually adding them could be problematic. We need to find out why they are not loading over as expected to ensure that they have full access to CANVAS and all courses as expected.

2. Should I add a 1xbet online casino manually to my CANVAS course?

The only students you should manually add to your CANVAS course(s) are 1xbet online casino finishing up an Incomplete Grade. These students cannot and should not re-register for the course again as that will charge them tuition and fees. Instead, you have been given the ability to manually add a 1xbet online casino for this exact purpose. To allow a 1xbet online casino to finish up the portion of a course they have missed or per your contract/agreement need to complete in order to be graded for the prior semester(s) enrollment.

The majority of students in the situtation would be students that you approved and have a signed agreement/contract on file listing the exact requirements for completion of the course. There might be a rare occasion where you are working with a 1xbet online casino with a grade of Incomplete from another instructor of record but it is anticipated that you and your Department Head would be aware of this arrangement in which you are the assigned instructor for completion of the course from a prior semester(s).

If the 1xbet online casino is not a grade of Incomplete then You should refer to question #1 above for additional information.

3. It is the end of the first week of my class and I have a 1xbet online casino that has not attended or interacted with my course - what should I do?

University Handbook, F64.3

An instructor may drop a 1xbet online casino (undergraduate, graduate, vet med) from any or all components (e.g., lecture, recitation, lab, etc...) of a course if the 1xbet online casino is absent/has not engaged or attended the course. The Office of the Registrar piloted new functionality in Fall 2021 which removes the need to do indivdual web forms for each 1xbet online casino and instead allows engagement directly with the course roster. Refer to the 1xbet section for the Guidance on how to do this via the SSC Navigate processes.