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Faculty/Staff FAQ Archive

Summer 2020 FAQs:

Shift to online teaching:1xbet online games login st

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic,all Kansas State University summer school courses across all of our campuses 1xbet online games login be administered online.In recognition of this unprecedented time,wehave developed a revised summer 2020 tuition and fee structure forundergraduate and graduate courses.Click here for additional 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login 2020 FAQs:

Final Examinations:(added 04/20/20)

1. 1xbet online games login there still be a prep/dead-week expectation applied to the spring 2020 semester?

Yes. The change to remote learning options for 1xbet online games login 2020 courses has not changed the policy that indicates no examination (unit or final) may be scheduled seven calendar days prior to the first scheduled day of semester examinations.

2. Are final examinations 1xbet online games login scheduled?

Yes. The university 1xbet online games login maintain the same general policies around finals week and the final exam schedule 1xbet online games login remain the same for any courses using traditional final exams.

3. What if a 1xbet online games login has more than two finals scheduled on the same day?

1xbet online games login ’ rights and expectationsremain the same. Ifa student has more than two finals scheduled on the same day,the student may request from the instructor of the highest-level class (by course number) that the final be changed. 1xbet online games login should not be asked to take final exams or turn in final projects during dead week.

4. Are 1xbet online games login resources or recommendations on how to administer final exams or projects?

Yes.The1xbet online casino Kaoffers a variety of resources for alternative assessments and best practices.

Asynchronous assessment options are preferable to traditional final exams.Understand that the in-personfinalexam you have traditionally given may not translate well to the remote environment.

Alternative means for assessing 1xbet online games login ’ learning are encouraged. Examples could includeopen-bookexams, summary papers and final assignments.You may assign these assessments during dead week, but they should be due during the scheduled final exam time for the course.

5.I want to give a timed, synchronous final - is that allowed?

Yes.If you want to give a timed, synchronous final, then it must be held 1xbet online games login finalsweek time slot. In addition,youmust be flexible to accommodate 1xbet online games login who might have scheduling complications, live in different time zones, orhavetechnical issues that would prevent them from taking the exam during that specific time.The use of Canvas to administer these exams is encouraged because it accounts for time zone variations for 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login & Academic Integrity:(updated 04/24/20)

1. Are 1xbet online games login still due as originally scheduled?

Yes.Grades 1xbet online games login be due as originally scheduled and should be submitted and approved in KSIS by Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. CST.

2. What do I do if I suspect there has been an 1xbet online games login integrity violation in my class? -(added 04/24/20)

The Honor and Integrity System is still working to hold 1xbet online games login accountable for academic integrity violations. If you suspect there has been a violation, please complete the Violation Report Form found on www.ksu.edu/honor or you may email cjroberts@ksu.edu to discuss options.

3. What options do I have to sanction 1xbet online games login this semester?-(added 04/24/20)

As with any semester, you may sanction a student up to an XF. This includes a warning, a grade sanction for the assignment/quiz, a grade sanction for the entire course, the Development and Integrity Class, or an XF (or a combination of these sanctions). Please note that a student who is found responsible for an Honor and Integrity violation during the spring 2020 semester will not be able to choose the A/1xbet online games login /Fail option for the course of a violation.

'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail Grading Basis:(added 3/31/20)

The following FAQ’s below address ALL K-State 1xbet online games login at all levels including but not limited to: Undergraduate, Graduate, DVM, etc….

You are encouraged to check the FAQ's regularly as updates 1xbet online games login be provided by Administration as questions or needs for clarification arises. Updates 1xbet online games login be designated next to the question with the following -(updated 04/XX/20)


1. Who does the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis apply to?

The 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis is available to ALL K-State students at all campus locations.

2. How 1xbet online games login Spring 2020 classes be graded?

All K-State Faculty members 1xbet online games login continue to record the appropriate letter grades.All students will have the option to either earn the recorded letter grade or to select the A/1xbet online games login /Fail option.

For any 1xbet online games login that has filled out the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail Opt-in form for the Spring 2020 term the A/1xbet online games login /Fail grading will be applied after the grade deadline of May 19, 2020.

For Undergraduate students, students earning a grade of 'A' in a course will have an 'A' recorded on the transcript for that course; a grade of 'B', 'C', or 'D' will be recorded as 'P' - 1xbet online games login ; a grade of 'F' will be recorded as fail.

For Graduate students, students earning a grade of 'A' in a course will have an 'A' recorded on the transcript for that course; a grade of 'B' or 'C' will be recorded as 'P' - 1xbet online games login ; a grade of 'D' or 'F' will be recorded as a fail.

3. The University usually does not allow undergraduate first-semester students to take classes on an 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail basis. Does that rule still apply?-(updated 04/09/20)

No. The 'A'/1xbet online games login /fail option will be available for all undergraduate students for the Spring 2020 semester.

4. The University does not allow students who are on academic probation to take classes on an 'A'/1xbet online games login /fail basis. Does that rule still apply?

No. The 'A'/1xbet online games login /fail option is available regardless of the current academic standing for the Spring 2020 semester.

5. How will a student know which of their Spring 2020 classes can be changed to 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail? -(updated 4/1/20)

A student is able to select the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis for any class offered via the standard grading basis for the Spring 2020 semester. Any course graded as Credit/No-Credit cannot be converted to the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis.

1xbet online games login PROGRESS:

1. Will these courses count against any limits on 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail classes?

No. Classes for which the student has selected the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail option for the Spring 2020 semester will not count toward any university limits on 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail classes.

2. Can a required course in a student’s program be taken for the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis?

Yes. This requirement has been relaxed for the Spring 2020 term in an effort to allow all K-State students to make progress toward their degrees. As a result, undergraduate and graduate students 1xbet online games login be able to use the 'P' grade for required courses as satisfying university requirements for future registration and progression in their degree programs.

3. Does this opportunity have any effect on classes that are already set up to be graded as 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail (e.g., internships, practica, etc.)?

No. These changes to the rules and limits associated with 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail options do not apply to classes that are set up to be graded as 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail.

4. 1xbet online games login the application of the 'P' grade for a course/courses count against a student’s overall program or graduation requirements that may exist?

No. Classes for which a student has selected the 1xbet online games login /fail option will not count against them. This is only applicable to Spring 2020 courses. In other words, if a student opts-in to the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail option and is awarded a grade of “P” for one or more courses in the Spring 2020 those courses will not adversely affect a student’s overall program or graduation requirements.

5: 1xbet online games login these courses count toward a student’s degree requirements?

Yes. If a student has selected the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis option, the course(s) will count toward all appropriate degree requirements as if the student had taken it on a graded basis. This also applies to major/minor requirements. All degree audits will be updated to reflect the change in 1xbet online games login /fail rules for the Spring 2020 semester.

6. If a student chooses to opt-in for 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail will they be able to register for courses in future semesters that have a grade requirement?

Yes. Like several other grading requirements in our policies, this requirement has been relaxed for the Spring 2020 term in an effort to allow all K-State students to make progress toward their degrees. As a result, undergraduate and graduate students 1xbet online games login be able to use the 'P' grade as satisfying pre-requisite requirements for future registration and progression in their degree programs.

7. For those students’ that opt-in to the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading option in Spring 2020, will their original grades be available to faculty and staff that need this information?

The Office of the Registrar does have on file the original grade submitted prior to the posting of the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grade option. These grades are limited in who will have the ability to access the original grade based on the FERPA rules around “legitimate educational need/interest”. Specific access to the Spring 2020 grades will be provided, if applicable, to appropriate K-State personnel based on educational needs and intended use. This access is granted by the University Registrar in consultation with the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs Administration.

8. If a student opts-in to the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading option in Spring 2020, can an instructor share the original grade with another instructor in a course that has a grade requirement?

No. The university has determined that the A/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis for Spring 2020 courses only will be allowed to satisfy a pre-requisite requirement for future registration and progression in degree requirements. As a result, it would be a violation of FERPA for one instructor to share with another student’s original grade. As mentioned in the question above, if there is a legitimate educational need/interest that information will be made available to appropriate personnel based on educational need and intended use.

9. How 1xbet online games login this change affect honors?-(updated 4/1/20)

Any course for which a student receives a 'P' - 1xbet online games login during the Spring 2020 semester will not be factored into the GPA calculations for honors. Grades of 'A' and 'F' are calculated into the GPA accordingly.

    1. The current policy for scholastic 1xbet online games login hours for 1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login remain.

Bachelor degree candidates who 1xbet online games login have completed a minimum of 60 undergraduate hours at Kansas State University with at least 42 credit hours in graded undergraduate courses at Kansas State University are considered for graduation with honors.

10. How 1xbet online games login this change affect academic dismissal?

The processes and guidelines around the GPA requirements for academic dismissal 1xbet online games login still run as normal after the end of the Spring 2020 term. As always, the review and applicability of exceptions to a student’s overall academic standing 1xbet online games login be handled by the student’s primary academic college and can be overridden if deemed necessary.

11.There are various requirements in the degree audit (DARS) where a 1xbet online games login of 'B' or 'C' is required and/or where grades of 'P' (1xbet online games login ) will not apply. Will DARS be modified to accept/apply 'P' (1xbet online games login ) grades earned in Spring 2020?-(added 04/20/20)

Yes, DARS will allow 'P' (1xbet online games login ) grades earned Spring 2020 to satisfy degree requirements that may normally exclude 'P' (1xbet online games login ) grades or require a grade of 'B' or 'C'.


1. Is there a deadline for students to select the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail options for their Spring 2020 classes?- (updated 04/14/20)

Yes. The deadline for 1xbet online games login to submit the completed 'A'/1xbet online games login is Friday, May 8th at 5:00 pm CST, to the 1xbet online games login at 1xbet online games login @ksu.edu - In an effort to assist Academic Advisors/Faculty Advisors, etc... that may receive an influx of inquiries or forms on the day of the student deadline, the Office of the Registrar 1xbet online games login accept forms through Wednesday, May 13th at Noon CST.

1a. My course has already ended or ends prior to May 15, 2020 (the end of the semester). Do the 'A/1xbet online games login /Fail forms have to be submitted on the day the course ended?-(updated 4/3/20)

No. The deadline for 1xbet online games login to submit thecompleted'A'/1xbet online games loginis Friday, May 8that 5:00 pm CST, to the 1xbet online games login at1xbet online games login @ksu.edu, regardless of the course end date.

2. If a student 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading for a class during the Spring 2020 semester, will they be able to repeat the course for a letter grade in a future semester?

Yes. As long as the student meets all other requirements for repeating a course, they will be able to repeat a course in a future term for which they select the A/1xbet online games login /Fail grading option during the Spring 2020 semester.

3. If the student did not opt-in for the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading by the May 8, 2020 deadline can they appeal? -(updated 4/3/20)

No. The 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail option is only available for Spring 2020 courses from January 21, 2020, through May 8, 2020, at 5 pm CST (Non-Standard Term courses attached to Spring 2020 but outside out these dates may also be considered). After this deadline, there will not be an appeal option to retroactively apply the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail to any Spring 2020 course.

4. If a student receives a high final grade in a course that they have designated for 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail, may they later ask to go back to the original grade instead of the grade of 'P'?-(added 5/20/20)

Yes. However, this option will require you to submit an appeal to the Office of the Registrar via the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail Appeal Form. This form1xbet online games login requirea college review and signature via your primary major/program Dean's 1xbet online games login along with a written rationale andproof of the extenuating circumstancesfor switching the 1xbet online games login back.

The intent for the appeal option is to assist 1xbet online games login that may have an extenuating circumstance or a situation change (i.e. change of major, etc...) where the original grade would be needed.

5. Are these changes to the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail rules permanent?

No. These changes are for the 1xbet online games login 2020 semester only due to the impact of COVID-19.

6. 1xbet online games login this option apply for students who participated in Study Abroad programs during the Spring 2020 semester?

Yes. Students who participated in Study Abroad programs will be able to select KSU courses only to be posted to their student record as 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail.

7. 1xbet online games login eligibility for students graduating in Spring 2020 be impacted?

No. Like the relaxation of other university grading requirements in our policies, a student’s progress toward a degree should not be adversely impacted. This does not change that overall GPA requirements must be met in order to earn the degree, but instead that we have relaxed the applicability of the “1xbet online games login ” grade being allowed to count towards overall degree progression.

8. 1xbet online games login digital signatures (typed names suffice on the'A'/1xbet online games login?-(added 4/2/20)

Yes. For 1xbet online games login signatureswe encourage you to work with 1xbet online games login that do not have the ability to print out the form, sign it and re-scan back to you. Instead, you may accept the form electronically via the 1xbet online games login ' official K-State email address and referencing or attaching that to the form in question.

Advisor/Major Professor and Program Director signatures 1xbet online games login also be accepted in a similar fashion as the expectation is the form 1xbet online games login be sent through official K-State email addresses which is our tracking for the approval chain.

9. Why do students need to talk with and obtain a signature from an academic advisor/major professor, etc... to apply the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail option?-(added 4/3/20)

We want students to engage with their academic advisor/major professor as they are the best resource right now in providing guidance and recommendations on the effects of applying the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis. Ultimately, this is still the students choice and decision to move forward with this option, however, academic advisors/major professors are the best option for advising students on the issue and impacts to be considered around a students future degree completion goals, as well as provide students with alternative points to consider.

The 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail Opt-in Form indicates to the student that By signing the form you have explained to the student the implications of choosing the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis.

10. 1xbet online games login that are graduating in spring 2020 - can they submit this appeal after their degree has been conferred?-(added 6/1/20)

No. Once a 1xbet online games login 's degree has been conferred changes to grades cannot be made based on theNon-Permissible Changes to the 1xbet online games login Record afterguidelines. Based on these guidelines, any graduating student for spring 2020 considering the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail Appeal to remove the A/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis must have the completed form to their academic college prior to thedeadline of Monday, June 8, 2020. This 1xbet online games login ensure the college has time to review and submit to the Office of the Registrar.


1. What if 1xbet online games login require letter grades for professional programs, employment or graduate studies?

Because the original letter grades 1xbet online games login be recorded, it is possible for a student to request an official letter attesting to the original grades. This letter is only available for the application of an inquiry from a professional program, licensure, graduate studies or an employer, should that be necessary.

Requests of this nature are handled by the Office of the Registrar and are not provided as a substitution to the official academic transcript. We 1xbet online games login ensure that those who require evidence of the students’ academic achievements in the Spring of 2020 1xbet online games login be able to have that information verified if required.

2. What is a student being told about choosing the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis and the effects for getting into a graduate school program (i.e. Master's or higher)?

Students have been guided to speak with their advisor and/or the College or program they are considering. While we are making accommodations internally at K-State, we are unable to predict how the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail will be interpreted by outside entities. Some courses may need to be taken for a letter grade to satisfy licensure or other external requirements.

3. How does this affect students considering applying to Law School or Medical School? Can they choose the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis for their classes?

Yes. A student can still choose this option, however, we are encouraging all 1xbet online games login to speak with their academic adviser and/or the pre-professional advising resources prior to making this choice.

AAMC:Association ofAmerican Medical Colleges

AACOM:American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine

LSAC:Law School Admission Council

Examples of Professional Programs that have addressed 1xbet online games login /fail grading:

Yale and the Medical School at the 1xbet online games login of California, San Francisco

The concern that professional schools might look askance at a “1xbet online games login ” grade from undergraduates might prove to be overblown. A Yale spokeswoman said the university’s professional schools would not hold 1xbet online games login /fail grades against applicants, whether the choice to forgo letter grades was theirs or the institution’s. And the medical school at the University of California, San Francisco, said it would accept 1xbet online games login /fail marks “without prejudice” for classes taken during the pandemic.

“It has always been our practice to consider 1xbet online games login in the context of numerous other aspects of the application, and an international crisis certainly provides a unique and compelling perspective,” said Dr. David Wofsy, the medical school’s associate dean for admissions, in an email.

LSAC: How will shools view 1xbet online games login /Fail grades?

Law schools are fully aware of and understand that many undergraduate schools are going to some version of a 1xbet online games login /fail grading system for Spring 2020. In fact, many law schools are making the same decision for their current students. Law schools will be understanding of the situation and will not penalize any applicant for having 1xbet online games login /Fail grades. LSAC will place a letter in the CAS report of every applicant enrolled during Spring 2020, to remind law schools going forward that the semester was one in which many schools changed their grading systems in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


1. International Students. Will changing classes to 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis for the Spring 2020 impact visa status?

As long as a student remains enrolled as a full-time student, changing enrollments to 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grading basis for the Spring 2020 semester will not impact status. However, if the student has a sponsor that pays tuition, they may want to check with them prior to ensure there are no restrictions with third-party payments that would prevent the A/1xbet online games login /Fail option.

2. How does choosing the A/1xbet online games login /Fail option affect future financial aid eligibility?

If a student is receiving financial aid, they 1xbet online games login want to discuss the possible impacts of the decisions listed with the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Differing types of financial assistance are likely to have differing Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) eligibility requirements.

Generally, choosing the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail grade option is likely to impact only the grade point average calculation (GPA). Under the A/1xbet online games login /Fail option for a given course, a letter grade of 'A' or 'F' will contribute to the overall GPA calculation. However, earning a 'P' - 1xbet online games login under the 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail option for a given course will have NO impact on the GPA calculation.

Consequently, we urge 1xbet online games login to contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at finaid@1xbet online games login well in advance of electing this 1xbet online games login option.

3: NCAA Student-Athlete: How does choosing the A/1xbet online games login /Fail option affect eligibility?

It could depend on 1xbet online games login ' individual NCAA eligibility requirements. Student-Athletes are strongly encouraged to contact their academic sport counselor with any questions prior to making any changes to their grading option.

4. Veteran Benefit 1xbet online games login : How does this impact GI-Bill benefits?

Often, Veterans’ Educational Benefits such as tuition/fees paid and/or housing allowance benefits will not be affected should a student elect to move from a letter grade evaluation to an A/1xbet online games login /Fail evaluation, since eligibility for VA benefits is premised, primarily, upon the successful completion of the course. VA educational benefit recipients should, however, keep in mind that once a student has successfully completed a course – even if the final grade is a “1xbet online games login ” – the VA 1xbet online games login NOT pay for the 1xbet online games login to repeat the course unless a higher grade for the class is required for the completion of the 1xbet online games login ’s program of study.

Because each kind of aid has different rules and regulations, we recommend that 1xbet online games login receiving aid, you check with the veteran benefits office at veteran@k-state.edu.

5. Who do I contact I have further questions about the changes to A/1xbet online games login /Fail options for the Spring 2020 semester?

Please contact your Dean’s Office or 1xbet online games login Administration for questions.

1xbet online games login & PROGRAM ACCREDITATION:

1. How does the relaxing of rules/policies around 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail at K-State affect overall Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation?

HLC is aware of the challenges brought on by the coronavirus outbreak and offers the following guidance for members, addressing a few common questions, particularly following the U.S. Department of Education's issuance of its March 5, 2020 memorandumGuidance for Interruptions of Study related to Coronavirus (COVID-19), and its March 17, 2020 memorandum1xbet online games login for Accrediting Agencies Regarding Temporary Flexibilities Provided to Coronavirus Impacted Institutions or Accrediting Agencies.

The most common questions at 1xbet online games login time are in regard to reducing the length of the academic year, assignment of incomplete or1xbet online games login /1xbet online games login grades, waiving graduation requirements, offering distance education and accelerated classes. HLC recognizes all these considerations as potential solutions an institution might contemplate as it navigates the unique circumstances of maintaining academic integrity during a public health emergency. Temporary alterations to policies and procedures permit institutions to document decisions that allow them to retrace their steps when the crisis has passed while allowing their 1xbet online games login to move forward.

2. What if my program accrediting body has not provided guidance related to how we should handle the relaxing of rules/policies around 'A'/1xbet online games login /Fail at K-State?

The majority of the program-specific accrediting bodies are aware of the need for programs and institutions to temporarily modify delivery methods in order to safeguard their communities during 1xbet online games login health crisis caused by COVID-19. Although they may have not addressed specifics yet to the institutional changes being made and recommended at the worldwide level, we would encourage you to work with your specific accrediting agencies to advise on the policy decisions being made by K-State.