1. Feed the Future Innovation 1xbe
  2. ยปProject Countries

Feed the Future Innovation 1xbet online games login for the Reduction

Project Countries

As of 2022, the Post-Harvest Loss Innovation operates in three "core" countries, where programs have been active since 2014. These are Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Ghana. In addition, PHLIL has previously led core and Buy-in projects in Afghanistan, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nepal. PHLIL is also a subawardee on an active USDA Food for Education project in Malawi.

Project Team Leaders

Dr. Monjural Alam, Bangladesh 1xbet online games login
Bangladesh Agriculture University, mmalam.bau@gmail.com

Dr. Jonathan Ulmer, Ethiopia 1xbet online games login
Kansas State University, sbhadrir@ksu.edu

Dr. George Opit, Ghana 1xbet online games login
Oklahoma State University, George.opit@okstate.edu

Dr. Carlos Campabadal, Guatemala 1xbet online games login
Kansas State University, campa@ksu.edu

Dr. Andreia Bianchini-Huebner, Honduras 1xbet online games login
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, abianchini2@unl.edu

Dr. Jagger Harvey, Nepal and Malawi 1xbet online games login
Kansas State University, jjharvey@ksu.edu

Additionally, we have a team of In-Country Leadersthat oversee the project progress and manage day to day activity of the scientists, technicians, industry partners, and advisory team within each country.