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Modern Languages Faculty & Graduate Teaching Assistants (2023-24)



Dr. kathleen 1xbet

Associate Professor of Modern & French M.A. program 1xb Advisor
EH 108,
Modern French 1xbet online casino , literary history, the sociology of 1xbet online casino , theories of modernism, women's writing, feminist theory, Québec 1xbet online casino and theories of francophone 1xbet online casino .


Dr. rebecca 1xb

Associate Professor of Modern Languages - 1x
EH 207,

-- on sabbatical leave F24-S25 --

19th–21st century 1xbet online casino literature; 20th-century 1xbet online casino Women’s narrative; First-Wave 1xbet online casino Feminism; Cultural and Literary representations of Motherhood; the 1xbet online casino Avant-Garde; 1xbet online casino and Hispanic Art and Visual Culture; Second-Language (L2) Literature Pedagogy; Digital Humanities.


Dr. Necia chronis

Professor of Modern
EH 214,
German 1xbet online casino since 1989, contemporary German women writers, German film and television, Gender Studies, L2 1xbet online casino Pedagogy.


Dr. Angélique 1xbet

Teaching Assistant Professor of Modern & Modern Languages - 1x, Undergraduate studies 1xbet o
EH 217,
Advising in post-secondary education; impact of service learning and study abroad.


Dr. María Teresa 1xbet

Professor of Modern Languages - 1x & 1xbet online casino M.A. program 1xb Advisor
EH 229,
Latin American Cultural Studies, Mexican 1xbet online casino and Culture, Screenwriting Studies, and Latinas in the U.S.


Dr. andrea 1x

Assistant Professor of Modern Languages - 1x, Co-coordinator 1xbet online casino 1 through 4
EH 106,
Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, Language Pedagogy, Ungrading, Nominal Agreement Phenomena, Technology for language teaching & learning.


Gavigan, Yasmín

Instructor of Modern Languages - 1x, Director 1xbet online sports bett
EH 006,

GlassettDr. zachary 1xbet

Teaching Assistant Professor of Modern Languages - 1x

EH 004,
Central American 1xbet online casino and Film; Science Fiction 1xbet online casino and Film; Noir; Mexican 1xbet online casino and Film; Diasporic 1xbet online casino ; Indigenous Studies; Latin American Revolutionary Movements; Comparative 1xbet online casino and Critical Theory.

Dr. raelynne 1

Assistant Professor of Modern Languages - 1x, Co-coordinator 1xbet online casino 1 through 4
EH 203,
Contemporary Latin American and Peninsular 1xbet online casino with a focus on ecocritical approaches.

Headshot of Dr. Hillard

Dr. derek 1xbe

Professor of Modern & Director of Secondary Major in 1xbet sports
EH 215,
Modernism, German 1xbet online casino , emotion in the arts, poetry, Paul Celan.


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Professor of Modern Languages - 1x & Editor of Studie
EH 204,
Latin American 1xbet online casino from the 19th century to the present, translation, disability studies, women writers, and service-learning.


Dr. Miki losc

Teaching Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Modern Languages
EH 216,

Applied linguistics; psycholinguistic approach to second language reading; language processing (how learners make cognitive connections to comprehend and produce target language structures); bilingualism and its sociolinguistic implications


Dr. Benjamin 1xbet s

Associate Professor & Coordinator of Modern Languages -

-- on sabbatical leave F24-S25 -- See Dr. Pohler for assistance
Intersection of philosophy and historiography in Socratic 1xbet online casino of the 4th century BCE, impact of narratological approaches on our understanding of philosophy and authority in Xenophon’s corpus, construction of ethnic and gender identities in the 1xbet online casino of the Second Sophistic (1st to 3rd centuries CE).

meritanDr. Camille 1xbet

Teaching Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Modern
EH 005,

Second Language Acquisition, L2 pronunciation, translanguaging, curriculum design.

zamostnyMossa Thuria

Instructor & Coordinator for 1xbet o

EH 003,

nazarioDr. claudia 1xbe

Teaching Assistant Professor of Modern Languages - 1x

EH 205,
Contemporary Latinx popular culture and 1xbet online casino . Focusing on the representation of intersectional identities (i.e., ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality) in storytelling. Children's picture books and graphic novels as well as television programs.

pohlerdr 1xbet onlin

Teaching Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Modern Languages -
Roman comedy; Greek tragedy; the Greek and Roman novels; representations of marginalized identities in 1xbet online casino ; standpoint epistemology; theater and performance; trauma studies; women and gender.


Dr. Laura Valentí1xbet

Associate Professor & Coordinator of Modern Languages - 1x Heritage Learners
EH 213,
1xbet online casino heritage language learners' literacy development and collaboration mediated by social tools (i.e., Google docs, Wikis, blogs)


Dr. Li y

Associate Professor, Coordinator of Modern Languages, and M.A. advisor
EH 013,
Second language (L2) pragmatics acquisition and computer-assisted pragmatics instruction, learners’ pragmatic and intercultural competence in study abroad settings, Chinese L2 learners’ development of writing skills.


Dr. Jeffrey 1xbet

Professor of Modern Languages - 1x, Department Head
EH 208,

Zamostny's research studies questions of gender, sexuality, celebrity, and fandom in Silver Age Spain (1898-1936). He is interested in how understudied forms such as kiosk novels, illustrated magazines, silent film, and modern dance open new windows onto the study of early twentieth-century 1xbet online casino culture.

Emeritus Faculty

  • Dr. Robert Clark (in memoriam)
  • Dr. Douglas Benson (in memoriam)
  • Dr. Robert Corum (corum)
  • Dr. Claire Dehon (dehoncl)
  • Dr. Lucía Garavito (lugarav)
  • Dr. Michael Ossar
  • Dr. Silvia Sauter (silviae)
  • Dr. Bradley Shaw (bradshaw)
  • Dr. George Tunstall



Charlotte Stephens

Office Specialist III
EH 207,
(785) 532-6760


Alyvia Johnson

Social Media and Office Assistant
EH 207,
Major: Humanities, 1xbet online casino , International Studies, and Pre-Law
1xbet online casino content and 1xbet

Graduate Teaching Assistants

Graduate Student Teaching Instructors