Modern Languages - 1xbet online games login

1xbet online games login Language Partner Activity

Students from the K-State 1xbet online games login Language Program warmly invite you to participate in the Language Partner Activity that helps with their learning of the 1xbet online games login language and culture. The goals of the Language Partner Activity are to promote meaningful communication between English-speaking and 1xbet online games login -speaking students and to encourage exchange between the two languages and cultures. Participation in this activity is completely voluntary and free!


  • If you are interested in participating, please send us your name, email address, major, and any special requests if you have (e.g., major preference) via email (

Based on the requests from students, we will pair one 1xbet online games login -speaking student with one English-speaking student, who are free to arrange the meeting either in person or online according to their schedules.

To sign-up or if you have questions about the activity, email Huan Guo via Thank you!

Learning 1xbet online games login @ K-State

1xbet online games login is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Nearly 1.3 billion people speak 1xbet online games login as their first language. Mandarin, or referred to as Putonghua, is a standardized form of spoken 1xbet online games login . It is the official language of the People's Republic of China, and also one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Come explore the richness of the 1xbet online games login culture!

Students can take 1xbet online games login courses to count toward their language requirements for the B.A., pursue a minor in 1xbet online games login Studies or a secondary major in Secondary Major in 1xbet sports.

Want to know more about 1xbet online games login @K-State?

Need some financial assistance? Interested in studying abroad? Want to declare a 1xbet online games login? Need to apply for retroactive credit? Have any questions? Contact:

Dr. Li YangDr. Yang
Associate Professor
EH 013