Dr. Kathleen antonioli 1xbet sports betting

Associate Professor of 1xbet sports betting and 1xbet sports betting Graduate Advisor

Contact Information Photo of Dr. Antonioli
  • Email: kantonioli@ksu.edu
  • Office: Eisenhower 108
Research Interests

Modern 1xbet sports betting literature, literary history, the sociology of literature, theories of modernism, women's writing, feminist theory, Québec literature and theories of francophone literature.

  • Ph.D. in Romance Studies, Duke University, 2011
  • Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies, Duke University, 2011
  • M.A. in Romance Studies, Duke University, 2008
  • B.A. in 1xbet sports betting and English, Lewis and Clark College, 2004
Recently Offered Courses
  • 500-level Courses: 1xbet sports betting Conversation, 1xbet sports betting Literature 19 th Century to Present, Readings in 1xbet sports betting
  • Advanced Seminars: Paris 1913, Love Stories in 19 th Century 1xbet sports betting Literature, Topics in 1xbet sports betting Translation, Contemporary 1xbet sports betting Literature, Realist 1xbet sports betting Literature, Translating the 'Freedom Papers': Charles de Gaulle & WWII Correspondence, Francophone Literature and Culture
Publications (Selected)

Single-authored articles

  • “Colette française (et fille de zouave) : Colette and the 1xbet sports betting Singularity.” 1xbet sports betting Politics, Culture, and Society, vol. 38, no. 1, March 2020, pp. 113-128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/fpcs.2020.380106
  • “How Colette became a feminist: Selling Colette in the United States 1960-1985.” Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 41, no. 4, Summer 2018, pp. 68-83. DOI: 10.2979/jmodelite.41.4.05
  • “Women, politics, and work: Walter Benjamin interviews Colette.” Women in 1xbet sports betting Studies, Special Issue on Fluidity and Femininity, 2017, pp. 89-103.
  • “Simone de Beauvoir as a Reader of Women’s Writing: Dialogue and Profession.” Women in 1xbet sports betting Studies, vol. 23, 2015, pp. 54-68.
  • “Classic and Modern: Colette Criticism in the Interwar.” Modern & Contemporary France, vol. 23 no. 3, August 2015, pp. 369-386.

Co-authored articles

  • “Collaborative Perspectives on Translation and the Digital Humanities in the Advanced 1xbet sports betting Classroom.” Co-authored with Melinda Cro. 1xbet sports betting Review, vol. 91, no. 4, May 2018, pp. 130-145.
  • “Myth, Dialogue and Collaboration in the ‘1xbet sports betting Freedom Papers’: De Gaulle and Anglo-1xbet sports betting Correspondence.” Co-authored with Melinda Cro. 1xbet sports betting Studies, vol. 72, no.3, January 2018, pp. 35-52.
Grants & Awards
  • Melinda Cro and Kathleen Antonioli, in collaboration with the 1xbet sports betting section, received a competitive "Tournees" grant from the 1xbet sports betting government to host a 1xbet sports betting film festival at K-State this Spring. (2014)