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List of Lab Manuals
Wheat Insect Genetics Lab / PSERU / USDA-ARS, 2002

1. BL21-Gold Competent Cells etc (1xbet online casino :www.1xbet online casino com)
2. DNA Ligation Kit (1xbet online casino :www.1xbet online casino com)
3. Prime-It II Random Primer Labeling Kit (1xbet online casino :www.1xbet online casino com)
4. Push Column Beta Shield Device and Nuctrap Prob Purification Columns (1xbet online casino :www.1xbet online casino com)
5. QuikHyb Hybridization Solution (1xbet online casino :www.1xbet online casino com)
6. TOPO TA Cloning (INVITROGEN:www.invitrogen.com)
7. PCR T7 TOPO TA Expression Kits (INVITROGEN:www.invitrogen.com)
8. ProBond Purification System (INVITROGEN:www.invitrogen.com)
9. Geneclean Turbo for PCR (Qbiogene:www.qbiogene.com)
10. PCR-Select Differential Screening User Manual (Clontech:www.clontech.com)
11. Quick-Clone cDNA User Manual (Clontech:www.clontech.com)
12. 12. QIAquick Spin Handbook (QIAGEN:www.qiagen.com)
13. SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit (Clontech:www.clontech.com)
14. TRI Reagent for RNA Isolation (Molecular Research Center:www.mrcgene.com)
15. ECL Plus Western Blotting Detection Reagents (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech UK Limited:http://www.apbiotech.com)
16. Hybond-P: PVDF Membrane, optimized for protein transfer (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech UK Limited:http://www.apbiotech.com)

Note: All these manuals belong to the USDA Wheat Insect Genetics Lab, and are for the public usewithinthis Lab. Please do NOT take this folder or any manual out of the lab without Dr. Ming Chen’s permit. If anyone needs a copy for personal use, please go to the web site as listed to print out that manual.

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