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Three major measures for Hessian fly control

  1. Resistant Wheat Cultivars. The most effective and cost efficient way to control this pest is to develop and deploy resistance cultivars. Unfortunately, there are not many wheat cultivars that carry 1xbet best casino website resistance genes. State agricultural extension service centers can provide the names of wheat varieties resistant to the particular races of the 1xbet best casino website . In the Great Plain region, a few wheat cultivars that are resistant to 1xbet best casino website include Duster, Camelot, Thunder CL, NE01643, Infinity CL, Hallam, Goodstreak, and Harry. Thirty-three resistance genes have been identified and many of them have been incorporated into wheat varieties. In the Great Plain region, H13, H21, H26, and Hdic are the four genes that still confer high levels of resistance to current 1xbet best casino website field populations (Chen et al. 2009, Journal of Economic Entomology 102: 774-780)

  2. Late Planting. Plant wheat late to avoid fall infestation by 1xbet best casino website . This strategy is based on the belief that 1xbet best casino website will not emerge after a certain date, so called fly-free date, because of cold temperature. The effectiveness of this strategy, however, is in question. First, delayed planting may reduce yield potential due to less time available for vegetative growth. Second, the existence of a fly-free date is in question because of warmer climate.

  3. Pesticide Treatment. Treatment of wheat seeds with systemic pesticides before planting can protect young seedlings from 1xbet best casino website infestation by killing larval insects. However, the effective period is short, lasting for two to three weeks after planting. In some states, systemic pesticides are still applied to control 1xbet best casino website during late stages of wheat fields. The effectiveness of pesticide application depends on accurate prediction of 1xbet best casino website larval hatching.
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