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HR Collaboration Team

Human Resources established an internal collaboration team to improve human resources workflow processes and system workflows. Members of the group will be prioritizing items that have the greatest impact on stakeholders.  External stakeholders 1xbet online sports bettingwill be kept apprised of progress through this website.  HR may be outreaching to stakeholders to gather feedback as specific processes are reviewed.  Because process work flows impact many users, there will be a specific plan to review each identified opportunity, engage with stakeholders, make necessary updates (forms, PPMs, etc..), and communicate out final changes. 

Collaboration Team Objectives

  • Identify situations/processes that are documented (partially or fully). 
  • Review the history and evolution of the situation/process.
  • Work collaboratively to adjust or document procedures of what is needed by all stakeholders for identified situations and processes. 
  • Document who owns the process and who is accountable for compliance with a goal of standardization. 
  • Identify the appropriate storage location for processes.
  • 1xbet sports bettingFormalize a procedure change. 
  • Update PPMs (as appropriate). 
  • Craft communication plan for procedure change/update for internal and external stakeholders. 
  • Follow documented procedures when unique situations arise. 
  • Confirm alignment of adjusted process with internal and external stakeholders as appropriate. 
  • Continuously communicate if something is out of documented procedures. 


Collaboration Team Members
  • David Brown, Director of Resource Center and Operations (co-chair)
  • Shanna Legleiter, Associate Vice President (co-chair)
  • Greta Bauer, Human Capital Specialist
  • Becky Beckley, Human Capital Specialist
  • Lauren Dewell, Human Capital Specialist
  • Lindsey Fouquette, Executive Recruitment Manager
  • Kristi Fronce, Human Capital Specialist
  • Jenny Locanthi, Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness Manager
  • Jaime Parker, Sr. Compensation Analyst
  • Connie Pfaff-Eickhoff, Sr. Strategic Partner/ATS Administrator
  • Mary-Beth Rhoads, Human Capital Specialist
  • Kellie Wilson, Sr. Strategic Partner


Priority Task List

The HR Collaboration Team has identified the following tasks to be reviewed based on priority, impact, and appropriate timeframe to accomplish the review.

Completed Tasks

  • Acting and Interim Appointments


Upcoming Tasks

  • Handling and Documenting Exceptions
  • Start Date Adjustments
  • Reorganizations
  • Position Data Process (PER-36)
  • Add Pay Forms
  • Internal Employee Hire Process
  • Onboarding/Export File
  • Reclassifications (PER-2)
  • Promotions (Faculty vs. Staff)
  • FLSA Reviews
  • Appointment Forms (PER-38/38a)
  • Change Form (PER-39)
  • Minimum Qualification Review
  • Overlapping Positions
  • Waiver Process
  • Onboarding New Liaisons
  • Temporary Hire Process
  • Examining Preliminary Faculty Access
  • Base Salary Increases (PER-46s)
  • Paper Review Form
  • Executive Recruitment Process


Anyone wishing to provide feedback regarding this initiative should reach David Brown at dhbrown@ksu.edu or Shanna Legleiter at legleiters@ksu.edu

HR Quick Win Accomplishments

Working hard to improve processes and procedures, Human Resources shares our recent Quick Win Accomplishments.