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Faculty Scientists

Dr Eduard Akhunov
Plant Pathology – 1xbet online games login molecular genomics and genetics of plant-pathogen interaction.

Dr Sajid Alavi
Grain Science – 1xbet online games login food engineering; extrusion processing of food and feed; rheology; food microstructure imaging and structure texture relationships.

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Biology – 1xbet online games login regulation of protein biosynthesis; Yeast genetics and biochemistry; Molecular and cell biology of insects and cancer.

Dr Guihua Bai
Agronomy - 1xbet online games login gene interactions between wheat plant and wheat pathogens.

Dr Jianfa Bai
Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology – 1xbet online games login molecular assays for animal and foodborne pathogen identification, quantification and characterization.

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Biology – 1xbet online games login neuroimmunology; Innate immunity; Airway inflammation; Infectious disease; Host-pathogen interactions.

Dr Bradley Behnke
Kinesiology - 1xbet online games login how systemic interventions modify the tumor microenvironment to enhance treatment outcomes.

Dr Frank Blecha
Anatomy & Physiology -1xbet online games login host-pathogen interactions with particular emphasis on host defense peptides and interferons.

Dr Alice Boyle
Division of Biology – 1xbet online games login consequences of climate variation for grassland and tropical birds at individual, population, and community levels.

Dr Mary Cain
Psychological Sciences - 1xbet online games login how the post-weaning rearing environment alters neuronal structure and function in adulthood.

Dr Stephen K Chapes
Division of Biology -1xbet online games login macrophages, B cells and other white blood cells during infectious and chronic diseases and during space flight.

Dr Ming Shun Chen
Entomology - 1xbet online games login plant - insect interactions.

Dr Rollie J Clem
Division of Biology - 1xbet online games login arbovirus infection in mosquitoes and the role of apoptosis in antiviral defense.

Dr Steven Copp
Kinesiology - 1xbet online games login reflex autonomic control of blood pressure during physical stress such as exercise.

Dr Sally Davis
Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology –1xbet online games login host-pathogen interactions for infectious agents including influenza A, Pneumocystis and Rift Valley fever virus.

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Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics – Studiesthe mechanism controlling substrate specificity in membrane-bound acyltransferases.

DrSherry D Fleming
Division of Biology -1xbet online games login the role of the innate immune response in tissue damage due to heart attack, surgery and autoimmune disease.

Dr Peying Fong
Anatomy & Physiology -Studieshow transporters organize and communicate within functional complexes in epithelia using cellular and molecular methods.

Dr Roman Ganta
Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology - 1xbet online games login Ehrlichia species and other vector-borne pathogens in defining the pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions at the cellular and molecular level.

Dr Revathi Govind
Division of Biology -1xbet online games login pathogenic mechanisms of the anaerobic bacterial pathogen, Clostridium difficile.

Dr SV Krishna Jagadish
Agronomy - 1xbet online games login mechanisms inducing abiotic (heat, water-deficit and chilling) stress resilience in field crops.

Dr Michael Kanost
1xbet online games login biochemistry of innate immune responses in insects.

Dr Megan Kennelly
Plant Pathology – 1xbet online games login integrated disease management.

Dr Phillip Klebba
1xbet online games login active transport, parthenogenesis and membrane transport in bacteria.

Dr Meena Kumari
Anatomy & Physiology - 1xbet online games login RNA-protein interactions and role of RNA binding proteins in mRNA stability in neurons.

Dr Ping Li
1xbet online games login biologically important enzymes/proteins.

Dr Christopher R. Little
Plant Pathology - 1xbet online games login fungal diseases and plant-microbe interactions of sorghum and soybean crops.

Dr Laman Mamedova
Animal Sciences and Industry - 1xbet online games login metabolic physiology and pharmacology in cell culture level and applied to dairy cattle nutrition.

Dr Jocelyn McDonald
Division of Biology - 1xbet online games login the genetic control of cell migration in development and cancer, primarily using the model organismDrosophila melanogaster.

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Division of Biology – 1xbet online games login insect immunity and vector-pathogen interactions.

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Biology – 1xbet online games login cell biology

Dr Nancy A Monteiro-Riviere
Anatomy & Physiology - 1xbet online games login biological interactions of nanomaterials that influence the toxicity and cellular uptake in cells and tissues.

Dr Jesse Nippert
Division of Biology - 1xbet online games login anatomical and physiological mechanisms ofdrought tolerance in grassland plant species.

Dr Thomas Mueller
Division of Biology - Examines the function and connectivity of the emotional brain in zebrafish.

Dr Salete Newton
Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics- 1xbet online games login how iron compounds are transported through the cell wall in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.

Dr Bradley Olsen
1xbet online games login molecular and ecological basis of multicellular evolution.

Dr Charles Pickens
Psychological Sciences – 1xbet online games login brain compensatory mechanisms

Dr Bethany Plakke
Psychological Sciences – 1xbet online games login autism neurobiology

Dr. Raymond “Bob” Rowland
Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology -1xbet online games login swine viruses with particular emphasis on the interactions between cells and viral proteins.

Dr Kathrin Schrick
Division of Biology -1xbet online games login growth and development in plants focusing onlipidmetabolitesasmembranecomponents and assignaling molecules.

Dr Bruce D Schultz
Anatomy & Physiology - 1xbet online games login electrolyte movement in epithelia with a focus on cystic fibrosis and the human male reproductive tract.

Dr Stephanie R. Shames
Division of Biology -1xbet online games login mechanisms of innate immune activation and host-pathogen interactions using bacteria of the genus Legionella.

Dr Jishu Shi
Anatomy and Physiology -1xbet online games login novel animal vaccine adjuvants and strategies for vaccines targeting porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus and classical swine fever virus.

Dr Yong-Cheng Shi
Grain Science and Industry - 1xbet online games login structure, functional properties, and digestibility of starches in cereal grains, and interactions between protein, lipid and starch.

DrKristopher Silver
Entomology- 1xbet online games login molecular mechanisms of insect toxicology.

Xiuzhi Susan Sun
Grain Science and Industry - 1xbet online games login synthesis, structure, functional properties of biomaterials for environmental and biomedical applications and specialized in bio-adhesives bio-resins, bio-inks, and hydrogels.

Dr Masaaki Tamura
Anatomy & Physiology -Studiescancer cell-targeted nanoparticle-based gene therapy, stem cell and diet-based alternative medicine for cancer therapy.

Dr John Tomich
Biochemistry - Designs and characterizes synthetic peptides for potential uses as drugs or renewable biomaterials.

Dr Michael Veeman
Division of Biology -Studiesthe mechanisms of morphogenesis using in toto imaging and functional genomics approaches in the simple chordate Ciona.

Dr Nicholas Wallace
Division of Biology - 1xbet online games login the manipulation of cell signaling and DNA damage repair by oncogenic viruses.

Dr Mark L Weiss
Anatomy and Physiology - 1xbet online games login growth and differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells, embryonic stem cells and induce pluripotent stem cells.

Ruth Welti, Un
Biology – 1xbet online games login structure and function of cell membranes; Mass-spectrometry-based lipid analysis.

Dr. Lisa Wilken
Biological and Agricultural Engineering – 1xbet online games login biological-based cell lysis and extraction methods for recovery and fractionation of protein, lipids, and starch from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Dr Yuntao Zhang
Anatomy & Physiology - 1xbet online games login on protein chemistry of the important human and animal vector-borne infectious diseases such as Ehrlichia and Anaplasma.

Dr Anna Zolkiewska
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - 1xbet online games login molecular and cellular interactions within the breast tumor microenvironment.

Dr Michal Zolkiewski
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - 1xbet online games login protein structure and function and cellular protein quality control.