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2019 Faculty/Staff Achievements 

• Doing it "write": Communication studies' Soo-Hye Han receives 2019 Roderick P. Hart Outstanding Book award for her book, "Votes That Count and Voters That Don't: How Journalists Sideline Electoral Participation (Without Even Knowing It)."

• True heroes: Two veterinary researchers and Sedgwick County horticulture agent honored by Wichita Police Department for helping save three lives.

• Research excellence: Jürgen Richt honored by regional USDA agency for work on swine flu vaccine.

• Adding up to victory: Personal financial planning faculty, students earn honors from professional organization.

• Career of success: Engineering's interim dean named distinguished alumnus.

• Top researcher: James Edgar recipient of Olin K. Petefish Award in Basic Sciences, one of the prestigious Higuchi awards.

• Giant in geography: Geography professor emeritus Jon Harrington Jr. receives highest recognition from National Council for Geographic Education.

• Top editor: Sociology's Matthew Sanderson named editor-in-chief of the journal Agriculture and Human Values.

• Serving reward: Kansas Veterinary Medical Association recognizes K-State's Lalitha Peddireddi with 2019 Distinguished Service Award.

• Cementing his reputation: Hayder Rasheed new fellow of American Concrete Institute.

• Earned excellence: Geography professor emeritus named fellow of American Association of Geographers.

• Scholarly opportunity: History's Nadia Oweidat earns visiting academic fellowship to University of Oxford.

• Ready to shine: National auditors association honors Jana Clark with Rising Star Award.

• A true standout: Agriculture's Zelia Wiley honored for being a role model.

• Page-turning success: Jim Sherow's latest book earns multiple honors.

• Best of the best: T.G. Nagaraja named Distinguished Microbiologist of the Year.

• Marks of excellence: Mike Apley named distinguished fellow of American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology, receives its service award.

• Primer for Counseling: College of Education's Guindon and Lane co-author counseling handbook.

• Image is everything: Biology postdoctoral associate earns 11th place in international photomicrography competition.

• Spark for parks: Park management and conversation program's Ryan Sharp honored with Benton H. Box Award for his work.

• Sustainable read: Engineering, psychological sciences professors write book greenhouse gases, air quality.

• Music maestro: Director of Bands Frank Tracz awarded honorary doctorate from Doane College for excellence.

• Finance finesse: Personal Financial Planning team takes second in nation, while doctoral students, professor earn top research paper award.

• Our teachers rule: L. Sue Williams named Teacher of the Year by American Criminology Society's Division of Victimology.

• International education leader: Sara Thurston Gonzalez elected to second term on board of NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

• Championing student athletes: College of Education professor authors book on implement programs for college athletes.

• Our hero: American ethnic studies' Yolanda Broyles-González nominated for cable network's Hero Award.

• Game-changer: Curriculum and instruction professor creates new online journal on gaming.

• Best around: Modern languages' Necia Chronister received Max Kade Prize for best article in The German Quarterly.

• Leadership doubled: Chuck Rice reappointed chair of national academies' Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources.

• Leading geographer: K-State's Debra Bolton is 2019 Kansas Geography Teacher of the Year.

• Paper with a punch: Marketing's Mike Krush and co-authors earn "Best in Track" honors in the Selling and Sales Management in Business and Consumer Markets track at the summer conference of the American Marketing Association.

• Super status: Beocat system administrator Kyle Hutson named XSEDE Campus Champions Fellow.

• Valued researcher: Sociologist Matthew Sanderson receives Excellence in Research Award from the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society.

• Tech leader: Joel Wallace new president-elect of National Extension Technology Committee.

• Online learning pro: Global Campus Dean Karen Pedersen contributes expertise to new book, "The Business of Innovating Online: Practical Tips and Advice from Industry Leaders."

• Teaching excellence: Veterinary Medicine's Butch KuKanich honored with Teaching Award from the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

• Global recognition: U.N. publication highlights work of Julia Keen, professor of architectural engineering and construction science, as a distinguished woman in engineering.

• Outstanding biologist: Don Kaufman receives prestigious Joseph Grinnell Award from the American Society of Mammologists.

• Lessons learned: Study by two agricultural economists on teaching effectiveness earns national honor.

• National service: President and CEO of KSU Foundation Greg Willems named to three-year term on CASE National Committee for Institutionally Related Foundations.

Virginia Moxley, dean emeritus of the College of Health and Human Services, is the recipient of the Alumni Achievement Award from Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society.

• Growing success: Horticulture and natural resources faculty and students earn multiple honors from American Society for Horticultural Science.

• Leading the way: Psychological sciences' department head Michael Young elected chair of the board of the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology.

• Worth singing about: Joshua Oppenheim, K-State's co-director of choral studies, only American to serve on jury for the 16th annual International Choral Competition.

• A faculty treasure: Marla Day tabbed by Smithsonian again for its Hometown Treasures program.

• Repeat success: Kansas State Polytechnic professor releases second edition of textbook on UAS electronic security.

• Healthy honor: Kinesiology's Katie Heinrich named fellow of the American Academy of Health Behavior.

• Feather in her cap: Ornithologist Alice Boyle receives 2019 Marion Jenkinson Service Award from the American Ornithological Society.

• Design star: Interior design's George Fares receives One to Watch award from American Society of Interior Designers.

• A pet's best friend: American Society of Animal Science honors Greg Aldrich with 2019 Corbin Award in Companion Animal Biology.

• Lauded landscaper: Katie Kingery-Page receives American Society of Landscape Architects' Central States Region Merit Award for work on K-State's Meadow project.

• Dream team: K-State education faculty, alumni edit preeminent text on school funding.

• Journalism leader: Katie Olsen named 2019 fellow of the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication.

• The best of the best: University Distinguished Professor emeritus Dean Zollman receives international award for lasting contributions to physics education.

• Artful selection: APDesign's Jessica Canfield wins national competition to design an art park in Kentucky.

• Among the best: American Society of Animal Science recognizes animal sciences and industry faculty members Bob Goodband, Cassie Jones and KC Olson with top awards.

• Innovation rewarded: K-State Office of Educational Innovation and Evaluation team recognized with national innovation honor for data management system.

• Career of excellence: Gayle Doll receives Distinguished Service Award from Gerontological Society of America.

• Highest recognition: College of Health and Human Sciences' dean and professor named fellows of the American Physiological Society.

• Doing a world of good: Dance professor Julie Pentz selected as Global Goodwill Ambassador.

• A worthy addition: Philosophy's Graham Leach-Krouse elected to board of Philosophy of Mathematics Association.

• Research rewarded: Work by industrial and manufacturing systems engineering's Suprem Das and research team featured on physics journal cover.

• Excellence honored: Lisa Rubin receives professional excellence award from National Association of Academic and Student-Athlete Development Professionals.

• Timely resource: College of Education's Trina Harlow editor of new e-book for those who work with refugee students.

• Special achievement: 1xbet online casinoFamily and consumer sciences honorary tabs Gayla Randel for honorary membership.

• Something to sing about: Voice professor Amy Rosine releases new CD.

• 'Tree'mendous new work: K-State Libraries' Michael Haddock co-authors new book on Kansas trees, shrubs and woody vines.

• National service: Global Campus Dean Karen Pedersen to serve on board of the University and Professional Continuing Education Association.

• State leader: College of Education's Judy Hughey honored by Kansas School Counselors Association for distinguished service.

• State standouts: Kansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics honors several K-Staters with awards, scholarships.

• Research rewarded: Computer science's Caragea earns Best Insight Paper Award at international conference.

• Among the best: National interfraternity council recognizes K-State fraternity, fraternity member and Greek life director for excellence.

• National leader: Agronomy's Vara Prasad to be new president of Crop Science Society of America.

• The 'write' honor: Political science's Martinez Machain and K-State alum receive Glenn Palmer Prize for best article.

• Award-winning research: English department faculty, students earn honors from national association for research essays.

• Career recognition: American Sociological Association honors Matthew Sanderson for contributions to the field; Sanderson also honored with best article award from World Congress of Sociology.

• Prestigious appointment: Timothy Bolton to serve three-year term on High Energy Physics Advisory Panel.

• Big salute: Art DeGroat just fifth inductee to Seton Hall University Army ROTC Hall of Fame.

• The "write way": Architecture's Peter Magyar releases new book, "Linear-Thought Condensation."

• Select honor: Chardie Baird completes HERS Institute leadership program.

• Advocacy excellence: Social work's Debi Holcomb receives Outstanding Statewide Champion Advocacy Award for service to crime victims.

• Rising stars: Chemistry's Ryan Rafferty and grain science and industry's Yi Zheng receive CAREER awards from National Science Foundation.

• The write way: Tim Dayton's book on American poetry and World War I nominated for two prestigious honors: James Russell Lowell Prize and John Hope Franklin Prize.

• The write way: Newest book by history's James Sherow nominated for 2019 Stubbendieck 1xbet online sports bettingGreat Plains Distinguished Book Prize.

• Award of distinction: Journalism's Louise Benjamin receives Broadcast Education Association's Distinguished Education Service Award.

• Lessons in civility: Tim Shaffer writer, editor for new book on political discourse.

• Up-and-comer: Geography's Jida Wang receives Early Career Award from National Association of Geographers' remote sensing speciality group.

• Writing the standard: Walter Dodd and colleague publish third edition of widely use textbook on freshwater ecology.

Sociology faculty, students earn national awards from Rural Sociological Society.

• Translating to excellence: Book by Laura Kanost featured on 2019 Best Translated Book longlist.

• Arresting new read: Criminologist and colleague publish new edition of book on cybercrime and society.

• Master storyteller: Journalism and Mass Communications' Tom Hallaq receives AVA Gold Award for documentary on pipe organ at All Faiths Chapel.

• International scholar: History's Andrew Orr awarded fellowship to study at the Centre for French History and Culture at the University of St. Andrews.

• Excellent educator:: Cassie Jones, animal sciences and industry, receives Outstanding Young Teacher Award at Midwest meeting of the American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Association.

• Guiding the way: Landscape architecture's Jessica Canfield co-authors new guidebook on landscape performance evaluation.

• Writing excellence: Journalism and mass communications assistant professor earns two first-place honors in Kansas Professional Communicators contest.

• Air waves author: Ian Punnett from the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications authors book on the cultural history of the car radio.

• A-plus architects: Tim de Noble, Robert Condia named fellows of the American Institute of Architects.

• Striking the right note: Music's Phil Payne selected fellow of the Modern Band Higher Education Program.

• Landing a big one: Biology professor honored with Fisheries Excellence Award.

• The 'write' way: Clinical assistant professor authors book on writing skills for veterinarians.

• Future star: Educational leadership assistant professor receives Emerging Scholar Award.

• Cited for success: American College of Sports Medicine names David C. Poole Citation Award winner.

• Outstanding agronomist: Society of Range Management names Walter Fick a fellow.

• Diverse designer: APDesign's Vibhavari Jani receiving Foundation Diversity Award from the International Interior Design Association.

• Super scholar: Political science's Jeff Pickering the 2019 recipient of the Quincy Wright Distinguished Scholar Award by the International Studies Association.

• Intervention innovator: College of Education's Mickey Losinski earns 2019 Council of Children with Behaviorial Disorders' Interventionist Award for his scholarly work in the field.

• Roll out the red carpet: Theatre's Jerry Jay Cranford picks up best director honors from the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards.

• All that jazz: National festival recognizes percussion professor for excellence in Latin music and jazz education.

• Editorial assist: Landscape architecture and regional & community planning professor and students contribute to chapter in new book.

• Leading the way: Education Abroad's Sara Boro to chair Kansas International Educators, while Student Life's Stephanie Bannister new member of the NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education AVP steering committee.

• Write stuff: Ron Wilson new secretary of national chapter of Western Wordsmiths.

• Gubernatorial appointment: Madai Rivera joins Gov. Kelly's Education Council.

• Elite honor: Human Capital Services' McDiffett graduates from TIAA's Emerging Leaders Network program, while HCS's Fouquette and Fronce invited to join program.

• Purple power: K-State creative teams earn record-setting 42 CASE awards.

• Greatest showman: School of Music, Theatre, and Dance's Jerry Jay Cranford earns best directing honors.

• Academic booster: College of Education's Kelly Briggs recipient of Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award.

• Leadership honor: Center for Student Involvement executive director named program team lead for I-LEAD.

• State leader: Human Capital Services' Locanthi Dowell appointed director of state human resource management society.

• State's best: Kansas Association for Public Purchasing Professionals names K-State's Cathy Oehms its Manager of the Year.