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A Boring Choose-Your-Own-Adventure
Make it better!

This story gives 1xbet online sports betting an idea of how a choose-your-own adventure is put together. Unfortunately, this story is very boring. Make the story more interesting by describing the scene, the characters, and the action. One of the endings will allow 1xbet online sports betting to keep the story going. Decide on what happens next and make your story interesting.

When 1xbet online sports betting are done, share your story with a friend and read what she or he has written. Do not worry about deciding which one is better. Just try to learn about your friend's imagination and share your ideas with him or her.

1xbet online sports betting are starting the story....Card 1
1xbet online sports betting go for a walk. 1xbet online sports betting see a tiny kitten.

Pick up the cat [Go to Card 2]
Ignore the cat [Go to Card 3]
1xbet online sports betting picked up the kitten....Card 2
The kitten purrs.

Bring the kitten home [Go to Card 4]
Set the kitten down [Go to Card 3]
1xbet online sports betting ignored or set the kitten down.Card 3
The kitten follows 1xbet online sports betting .

Pick up the kitten [Go to Card 2]
Ignore the kitten [Go to Card 5]
Hit the kitten [Go to Card 6]
1xbet online sports betting brought the kitten home.Card 4
1xbet online sports betting bring the kitten into your house.

Ask your parent if 1xbet online sports betting can keep him [Go to Card 7]
Don't tell anyone that 1xbet online sports betting have the kitten [Go to Card 8]
1xbet online sports betting ignored the kitten.Card 5
The kitten leaves.

1xbet online sports betting kicked the kitten.Card 6
The kitten hisses at 1xbet online sports betting and runs away.

1xbet online sports betting asked a parent about keeping the kitten.Card 7
Your parent thinks for a moment and asks 1xbet online sports betting , "Will 1xbet online sports betting promise to take care of it?"

1xbet online sports betting answer "yes" [Go to Card 9]
1xbet online sports betting answer "No" [Go to Card 10]
1xbet online sports betting tried to keep the kitten a secret.Card 8
Your parent discovers the kitten and makes 1xbet online sports betting put it outside.

1xbet online sports betting promised to take care of the kitten.Card 9
Your parent looks at 1xbet online sports betting carefully. "OK," she says. 1xbet online sports betting can keep it. Then she notices a hidden message on its collar.

Read the message [Go to Card 11]
Ignore the message [Go to Card 12]
1xbet online sports betting said 1xbet online sports betting would not take care of the kitten.Card 10
Your mother puts the kitten outside.

1xbet online sports betting look at the message.Card 11
1xbet online sports betting unwrap the paper and read the message. It says....

Now 1xbet online sports betting create the story from here
1xbet online sports betting ignored the message.Card 12
1xbet online sports betting have a nice cat for a pet now and live happily ever after.


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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/story/nature/worksheet.htm--Revised: December 9, 2000
1xbet online sports betting Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.