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1xbet sports betting

User Guide

This guide should be printed and consulted during game play to help you complete the story. The icons in the left column are a part of the interface. After starting the SUDS program and loading the story file, you engage in some action by clicking first on one of these left column icons. The right column below describes the types of actions you can engage in after clicking on one of SUDS icons, then on one or more story elements. The icon to be clicked is identified in bold in the examples below. There are no graphics in the story. All story actions are selected with the mouse. There is no typing.

Potential Actions Using Icons

Search or Examine 1xbet sports betting
[Search] on [Living Room]

Read 1xbet sports betting
[Search] on [Journal]

Eat 1xbet sports betting
[Use] on [Cookie] then on [Yourself]

Give a Character 1xbet sports betting to Eat or Drink
[Use] on [Cookie] then on [Character]

Open or Shut a Door
[Use] on [Door]

Give a Character 1xbet sports betting
Hit 1xbet sports betting with 1xbet sports betting
Throw 1xbet sports betting at a Character
[Use] on [Hammer] then on [Character]or[1xbet sports betting ]

Combine Two Items Into One (make 1xbet sports betting )
[Use] on [Empty Cup] then on [Faucet] = Cup of water

Sit or Lie Down
[Use] on [Chair]

Go to Sleep on 1xbet sports betting
[Use] on [Yourself] then on [Bed]

Hug or Gently Touch a Character
[Use] on [Your Gentle Hands] then on [Character]

Use Your Fists to Hit a Character or 1xbet sports betting
[Use] on [Your Power Hands] then on [Character] or [Object]

Wear 1xbet sports betting 1
[Use] on [Hat] then on [Yourself]

Push 1xbet sports betting Heavy to Another Location in a Room1
[Use] on [Power Hands] then on [Sofa]

Talk to a Character
[Talk] on [Character]

Take or Pick Up 1xbet sports betting
[Take] on [Bananas] in the room

Drop 1xbet sports betting
[Take] on [Bananas] in your Inventory

Listen to 1xbet sports betting
[Listen] on [Radio]

Move from One Location to Another
Click on [Black Compass Point]

Look Into Another Room1
[Look in Direction] on [Compass Point]

Check Your Current Score
[Listen] on [Yourself]

Ask for a Hint (use sparingly)
[Hint] on [Character, Location, or Object]

1Action is unnecessary in Episode One
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/story/nature/help.htm--Revised: December 9, 2000
1xbet online sports betting Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.