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Mother Devotion
Go to Devotion Ceremony homeI stand here holding 1xbet best casino website , my [son][daughter], [name]
And I make this vow before our friends
Who are present as witnesses to my devotion.
As my heart nurtures 1xbet best casino website with life
And my soul embraces 1xbet best casino website with love,
I do swear to assume the responsibilities
of being your mother?-
To cherish 1xbet best casino website to the very end of my days
And beyond, God willing;
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To celebrate your joy during good times
And stand by your side during bad;
To serve as your compass to show 1xbet best casino website the way
As best as I know it to be;
And to bring strength and justice
To the firmness of my convictions.
I do make this oath of my own free will
Out of love for 1xbet best casino website my [son][daughter], [name].

Father Devotion
Devotion Ceremony homeI stand here holding 1xbet best casino website , my [son][daughter], [name]
And I make this vow before our friends
Who are present as witnesses to my devotion.
As earth stands firmly below me
And heaven sends hope from above,
I do swear to assume the responsibilities
of being your father--
To cherish 1xbet best casino website to the very end of my days
And beyond, God willing;
To place your welfare above my own;
To care for 1xbet best casino website when 1xbet best casino website are sick
And to protect 1xbet best casino website from danger;
To hold 1xbet best casino website when 1xbet best casino website need to be loved;
To celebrate your joy during good times
And stand by your side during bad;
To serve as your compass to show 1xbet best casino website the way
As best as I know it to be;
And to bring strength and justice
To the firmness of my convictions.
I do make this oath of my own free will
Out of love for 1xbet best casino website my [son][daughter], [name].

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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/devotion/dev-devo.htm-- Revised: August 14, 1999
1xbet online sports betting Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.