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Go to Caring about Parents home

The 1xbet online sports betting program includes the following resources you can use in your community:

Creating Communities that Care about Parents

A 17-page publication that outlines the challenges that face parents today, the importance of informal community support, reasons for providing support, and 17 strategies for expressing support. Also included is a "Parent-Friendly Checklist" for making a community assessment.

With the exception of the checklist, you can read the content of the publication by simply clicking on the link that follows.

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Friends InDeed

A 6-week personal study course on personal communication and helping skills.

Crisis Card

A small card that summarizes the key points in Friends InDeed and can be folded into credit-card size for storage in a billfold or purse.

Friends InDeed Leader's Guide

A resource for leaders to conduct a Friends InDeed group meeting.


Two large full-color posters, both titled, "Caring about Moms and Dads is Caring about Kids."

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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/care/car-comp.htm--Revised: August 14, 1999
1xbet online sports betting Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.