2. Consider 1xbet online casino
How many different ways can 1xbet online casino respond to the problem?

As you rapidly form reasonable targets for 1xbet online casino discipline, you could consider many alternatives, both good and bad. You could, for example, bite 1xbet online casino son back to show him how it feels or spank him. You could make him apologize or separate him from Cindy. You could send Cindy home or take Jamie's teddy bear away as punishment. Or you could give Jamie a time out, or reason with him, or simply remind him of the rule. At this point, we are not evaluating the worth of these alternatives. We are simply trying to envision the possibilities.

As these alternatives stream through 1xbet online casino mind, you could rate each one for its potential effectiveness. Which tool, or combination of tools, will be effective at this moment? As you consider 1xbet online casino options, use 1xbet online casino core values in 1xbet online casino evaluation of their merits. For example, you might want to be fair and not over react to the situation. You might want to protect 1xbet online casino son’s dignity and self-worth. You may be committed to nonviolence. So you would rule out retaliating by biting or hurting 1xbet online casino child. Every parent has to decide on the values that are critical for evaluating the merits of their alternatives.

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