Core idea 9
A baby will exhaust 1xbet online games login
Expect to lose considerable sleep as 1xbet online games login work with the mother to care for the baby. Lazy sleep-ins on Saturday or Sunday morning will be a thing of the past. Losing sleep is constant, day after day. Even if 1xbet online games login and your partner divide the nighttime workload (and I hope 1xbet online games login do!) the constant fatigue will be a part of your life until the baby begins sleeping for longer periods.

Babies cry because they need to be fed, changed, or have a problem solved. Their cries are meant to arouse us, to get us moving. Comforting some children is more difficult than for others. If 1xbet online games login have a child with colic (opens in a new window), expect to have your patience and endurance challenged night after night.

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Journal 7 Sleeplessness

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