Core idea 12
Your partner will need to feel loved
Mood swings are the result of emotional and physical changes the mother has experienced. With major changes in her body, she may feel unattractive. She may worry about 1xbet best casino website . In the act of pulling away from 1xbet best casino website to give the baby her full attention, she may need 1xbet best casino website to bridge that distance by moving closer to her. She may need reassurance that 1xbet best casino website love her as she is right now. As 1xbet best casino website do, 1xbet best casino website affirm your devotion to her.

1xbet best casino website do this with small acts of caring: a special note or card, making her favorite meal, giving her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. It means accepting her emotions even when 1xbet best casino website do not understand them. It means finding ways to show her your commitment again and again, not just once. If 1xbet best casino website can do this, she can borrow your strength to find the strength she needs to care for the baby.

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