As 1xbet best casino website proceed through the course, 1xbet best casino website will relate what 1xbet best casino website learn to your own experience. The Journal is entirely for your own use. 1xbet best casino website will never be asked to submit any of your Journal comments to me or anyone else. 1xbet best casino website may download the Journal for your own personal use. Both the Maybe Baby course and the Journal are copyrighted. So 1xbet best casino website may not copy and distribute the material without permission from the author, Charles A. Smith.

The Journal consists of sixteen activities linked to the course content. 1xbet best casino website should download and print the Journal before 1xbet best casino website begin the course. If 1xbet best casino website print it yourself, 1xbet best casino website should hole-punch and insert Journal pages in a three-ring binder or have them spiral bound at a copy store (add blank pages in the back if 1xbet best casino website wish).