Core idea 19
1xbet online sports betting is a glorious mystery
Where there is love, 1xbet online sports betting will take your breath away. Holding another human being you helped to bring into the world is an experience that changes your life. All the problems you might have, with money, with work, with your home, all fade as you sit in wonder gazing at 1xbet online sports betting . There could be moments of profound satisfaction:

Seeing 1xbet online sports betting drift serenely back to sleep in the middle of the night after being fed and comforted
When 1xbet online sports betting takes and holds on to your finger
Seeing 1xbet online sports betting ’s face light up and laugh at your antics

1xbet online sports betting begins as a mystery, a miracle. Who is this person? What kind of person will this baby become? What kind of relationship will we have? No book or wise counsel will answer these questions. You have to observe, engage, and discover the answers over time for yourself. And just when you think you have the answers, your child will reveal something new.

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Journal 12 My moment of awe

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