A series of True/1xbet sports betting questions follow. Click on your answer and I will respond. Clicking on the Restart pepper on the response page will take you back to this page. Click on the Next pepper below to bypass the quiz and go on to the next lesson.

1 [1xbet or 1xbet best casino webs] Anger is a response to a threat.
2 [1xbet or 1xbet best casino webs] Anger and fear are closely associated.
3 [1xbet or 1xbet online sports be] The source of anger is obvious.
4 [1xbet or 1xbet sports betting] All anger is reasonable.
5 [1xbet or 1xbet sports betting] Hitting a child is an example of anger.
6 [1xbet or 1xbet sports betting] We can decrease our anger by hitting something safe, like a pillow.
7 [1xbet or 1xbet online casino] The emotional part of the brain is called the limbic system.
8 [1xbet or 1xbet online sports be] Chronic anger affects all of us basically the same way.
9 [1xbet or 1xbet online games log] Because they are so easily upset, we should try to hide our anger from our children.
10 [1xbet or 1xbet best casino webs] A home filled with emotional tension can increase children's anger.

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