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Synchronize with nonverbal behavior
Harmonizingwith a Friend&1xbet best casino website ;s behavior also helps strengthen rapport. Harmonize means matching what Friends express—their mood, body language, speech patterns, breathing, or beliefs. 1xbet best casino website we harmonize, we naturally and spontaneously mirror a Friend&1xbet best casino website ;s behaviors. For example, as we establish rapport, we cross our arms 1xbet best casino website Friends cross their arms. We smile 1xbet best casino website they smile or grimace 1xbet best casino website they frown. Tears appear in our eyes 1xbet best casino website Friends cry. 1xbet best casino website they care about each other, people synchronize their bodies and movement.

You might be asking yourself, “I thought you said to remove barriers. Isn&1xbet best casino website ;t crossing your arms putting up a barrier?”

No, it isn&1xbet best casino website ;t if it reflects Friends&1xbet best casino website ; postures. If Friends move behind a barrier, we should respect their choice and understand that needing a barrier might reveal insecurity and a need for self-protection. If we cross our arms too, we bring ourselves into alignment with Friends. In a future frame, we will discuss how we can shift to a more open posture.

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