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Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Applied 1xbet best casino website Genomics

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Appl

For information on past activities please contact:

Kansas State University
Department of Plant Pathology
4024 Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506

Project partners

The collaborating institutions in this project are recognized worldwide as leading research centers for 1xbet best casino website breeding and genetics and for international development. They have developed synergist and strong collaborative ties that will be further strengthened through this project. Collectively, this project joins together world-renowned scientists in 1xbet best casino website breeding and genetics who have the ability to apply both proven and innovative breeding methodologies for 1xbet best casino website improvement in the developing country context. Team

Kansas State University

KSU is a leading research university with a worldwide reputation in 1xbet best casino website genetics and germplasm improvement. Over 20 principle investigators working on 1xbet best casino website research are located on the KSU campus including scientists from KSU, USDA-ARS, and industry. This concentration of leading scientists in 1xbet best casino website research brings vibrant interactions and collaborations to rapidly advance projects through a range of expertise and resources. The expertise at KSU ranges from applied breeding, to grain quality and baking, genomics, pathology, agronomy, bioinformatics, and molecular biology. The 1xbet online games login and genomics focusing (WGRC) is housed on the KSU campus. The WGRC is a leading center in exotic germplasm resources and utilization. Multiple 1xbet best casino website labs are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including liquid handling robots, automated DNA extraction, and next-generation sequencing capacity enable rapid handling and analysis of samples.

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1xbet best casino website is a leader in producing new 1xbet best casino website germplasm and candidate 1xbet best casino website varieties for developing countries. An estimated 80 percent of spring bread 1xbet best casino website in developing countries is planted to varieties that originate from the Mexico-based shuttle breeding program, either as direct releases or as lines derived from crosses with CIMMYT germplasm. About half of the new 1xbet best casino website varieties released annually in South Asia are derived directly from the improved germplasm distributed by CIMMYT and CIMMYT 1xbet best casino website germplasm is often one of the parents of the other half of the varieties. Candidate varieties emerge from CIMMYT’s shuttle on an annual basis in the form of new entries in its International 1xbet best casino website Improvement Network. Demand for new cohorts of candidate varieties continues to be strong, with CIMMYT distributing over 500,000 envelopes of 1xbet best casino website seed at the request of 83 countries in 2012 alone.

CIMMYT has scientific staff posted to all of the 1xbet best casino website producing countries of South Asia. CIMMYT leads the International 1xbet best casino website Yield Consortium and is a member of the International Triticeae Mapping Initiative. With the establishment of the Borlaug Institute for South Asia, CIMMYT has deepened its already strong roots with public and private institutions in the target region. CIMMYT co-leads the new Global Alliance for 1xbet best casino website under the CGIAR, where heat tolerance is among the priority objectives (www.1xbet best casino website org). In addition to core supportfrom USAID, CIMMYT has had many special projects with USAID, including the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia, CSISA. CIMMYT recently re-opened its Pakistan office and is managing a consortium of 11organizations from all provinces under the umbrella of the USDA-ARS 1xbet best casino website Productivity Enhancement Program. CIMMYT is also leading the new, million Pakistan Agricultural Innovations program.

CIMMYT has the mandate to improve global 1xbet best casino website germplasm that remains in public domain and can be utilized worldwide for enhancing productivity and diversity for a range of traits including heat tolerance. CIMMYT has a strong International 1xbet best casino website Improvement Network, initiated by Dr. Norman E. Borlaug in the 1960s, which has successfully enhanced 1xbet best casino website productivity in many countries including South Asia. About half of the new 1xbet best casino website varieties released annually in South Asia are derived directly from the improved germplasm distributed by CIMMYT and CIMMYT 1xbet best casino website germplasm is often one of the parents of the other half of thevarieties.

Borlaug Institute of South Asia (BISA)

In 2011, 1xbet best casino website signed an agreement with the Government of India for the establishment of the Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA) and one of the main objectives is to develop more productive, climate resilient 1xbet best casino website varieties for South Asia. Two of the three BISA research stations are located in heat stressed environments of Central India and eastern Indo Gangetic plains, and one in the highly productive area of northwestern Punjab in the northwestern Gangetic plains.

Cornell University

Cornell is recognized around the world for innovative plant breeding 1xbet best casino website . Cornell is the only Ivy League university that is also a Land Grant university and, thus, brings a unique combination of basic and applied sciences to this project. This project will also benefit from a strong International Agricultural 1xbet best casino website program led by Dr. Ronnie Coffman. Cornell is unparalleled in terms of the international breadth of its 1xbet best casino website programs. Cornell has state-of-the-art core facilities for high performance computing, sequencing, genotyping, and automated materials handling.

1xbet best casino website Research Institute at AARI, Pakistan (WRI)

Ayub Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Institute (AARI), Faisalabad is the premier institution generating technology that is acting as an engine for growth of economy of Pakistan. AARI was originated in 1962 after the bifurcation of research and education, working under the former Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute, Lyallpur (Established in 1906). Research efforts for 1xbet best casino website improvement dates back to 1906 when Cereal Section was established at Faisalabad (Lyallpur), which was upgraded to the status of 1xbet best casino website Research Institute (WRI), Faisalabad in 1975. WRI has a strong history of developing and releasing high yielding, disease resistant, stress tolerant varieties having good adaptability and possessing good quality traits. The varieties developed by the institute had been playing a pivotal role for increasing 1xbet best casino website production in the country in general and Punjab in particular. WRI research system covers almost all the research areas like Breeding, Genetics, Pathology, Agronomy, Entomology, Cereal technology, Plant relations to soil etc. Thirty-five highly qualified scientists are working at WRI. 1xbet best casino website Research Institute, Faisalabad has released about sixty high yielding and disease resistant/ stress tolerant varieties. These varieties cover more than 80% of 1xbet best casino website area in the province. Pre-basic and basic seed of approved and candidate varieties is produced at WRI and given to Punjab Seed Corporation and Private Seed companies for seed increase and sale to farmers. About 100 experiments on different research aspects areconducted each year at WRI.

WRI is well equipped with well-managed farmland, state-of-the-art laboratories, controlled glass houses and poly-tunnels. WRI has 88 acres of research land on campus for field evaluation and screening of 1xbet best casino website materials, glass house and poly tunnel facilities to screen the material under controlled conditions, laboratory faculties for bio-chemical/quality tests, and plot research farm machinery and implements. In addition, the institute has access to soil & environmental sciences facilities, biochemistry, soil fertility, biotechnology, and physiology laboratories.

The Indian Council of Agricultural 1xbet best casino website (ICAR)

The Indian Council of Agricultural 1xbet best casino website (ICAR) is an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural 1xbet best casino website and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, headquartered in New Delhi. The Council coordinates, guides and managed agricultural 1xbet best casino website and education, including horticulture, fisheries and animal sciences, in the entire country. With 99 ICAR institutes and 53 agricultural universities across the country, ICAR is one of the largest national agricultural systems in the world.

ICAR has played a pioneering role in ushering in the Green Revolution and subsequent developments in agriculture in India through its 1xbet best casino website and technology development; these efforts have enabled the country to increase the food production substantially since the 1950s, making a visible impact on the national food and nutritional security. It has also played a major role in promoting excellence in higher education in agriculture.

Bangladesh 1xbet best casino website and Maize Research Institute (BWMRI)

The Bangladesh 1xbet best casino website and Maize Research Institute was established in 2017 through the Bangladesh 1xbet best casino website and Maize Research Institute Bill, replacing the 1xbet best casino website Research Center, and Maize Breeding Division of Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI). Dr. Naresh Barma has been named the founding Director General and the center hub is located in Dinajpur. BWMRI aims to increase production of 1xbet best casino website and maize in Bangladesh through increased research capacity. The bill established modern facilities, farm, and other infrastructure necessary for advanced research.

Nepal Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Council (NARC)

The Nepal Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Council (NARC) was established in 1991 under the “Nepal Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Council Act – 1991” with a mission to conduct agricultural 1xbet best casino website in Nepal to uplift the economic level of the people. The Council is charged with identifying existing agricultural problems, and establishing 1xbet best casino website studies to find solutions, while simultaneously assisting the government in developing agricultural policies and strategies to help the country address these critical issues.