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1xbet online games login Genetics Resource Center
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Akhunov ED, Akhunova AR, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Hummel D, Lazo G, Chao S, Anderson OD, David J, L Qi, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, La Rota M, Sorrells ME, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Kalavacharla V, Hossain K, Kianian SF, Peng J, Lapitan NLV, Wennerlind EJ, Nduati V, Anderson JA, Sidhu D, Gill KS, McGuire PE, Qualset CO, and Dvorak J. 2003. Synteny perturbations between wheat homoeologous chromosomes caused by locus duplications and deletions correlate with recombination rates along chromosome arms. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:10836-10841. [PDF]

Akhunov ED, Goodyear AW, Geng S, L Qi, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, Lazo G, Chao S, Anderson OD, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, La Rota M, Sorrells ME, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Kalavacharla V, Hossain K, Kianian SF, Peng J, Lapitan NLV, Gonzalez-Hernandez JL, Anderson JA, Choi D-W, Close TJ, Dilbirligi M, Gill KS, Walker-Simmons MK, Steber C, McGuire PE, Qualset CO, and Dvorak J. 2003. The organization and rate of evolution of wheat genomes are correlated with recombination rates along chromosome arms. Genome Res 13:753-763. [PDF]

Anand A, Trick HN, 1xbet online games login , and Muthukrishnan S. 2003. Stable transgene expression and random gene silencing in wheat. Plant Biotech J 1:241-251. [PDF]

Anand A, Zhou T, Trick HN, 1xbet online games login , Bockus WW, and Muthukrishnan S. 2003. Greenhouse and field testing of transgenic wheat plants stably expressing genes for thaumatin-like protein, chitinase and glucanase againstFusarium graminearum. J Exp Bot 54(384):1011-1111. [PDF]

Faris JD, Fellers JP, Brooks SA, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. A bacterial artificial chromosome contig spanning the major domestication locusQin 1xbet online games login and identification of a candidate gene. Genetics 164:311-321. [PDF]

Friebe B, Zhang P, Nasuda S, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Characterization of a knock-out mutation at theGc2locus in 1xbet online games login . Chromosoma 111:509-517. [PDF]

He P, Friebe BR, 1xbet online games login , and Zhou J-M. 2003. Allopolyploidy alters gene expression in the highly stable hexaploid wheat. Plant Mol Biol 52:401-414. [PDF]

Huang L, Brooks SA, Fellers JP, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Map-based cloning of leaf rust resistance geneLr21from the large and polyploid genome of bread 1xbet online games login . Genetics 164(2):655-664. [PDF]

Maleki L, Faris JD, Bowden RL, 1xbet online games login , and Fellers JP. 2003. Physical and genetic mapping of wheat NBS-LRR and kinase class resistnace gene analogs. Crop Sci 43:660-670. [PDF]

Malik R, Brown-Guedira GL, Smith CM, Harvey TL, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Genetic mapping of anAegilops tauschiigene transferred to common 1xbet online games login conferring resistance to all strains of 1xbet online games login curl mite. Crop Sci 43:644-650. [PDF]

Malik R, Smith CM, Brown-Guedira GL, Harvey TL, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Assessment ofAegilops tauschiifor resistance to biotypes of 1xbet online games login curl mite (Acari: Eriophyidae). J Econ Entomol 96(4):1329-1333. [PDF]

Qi L, Echalier B, Friebe B, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Molecular characterization of a set of wheat deletion stocks for use in chromosome bin mapping of ESTs. Funct Integr Genomics 3:39-55. [PDF]

Singh S, Brown-Guedira GL, Grewal TS, Dhaliwal HS, Nelson JC, Singh H, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Mapping of a resistance gene effective against diverse isolates of the Karnal bunt pathogen of wheat. Theor Appl Genet 106:287-292. [PDF]

Sorrells ME, La Rota M, Bermudez-Kandianis CE, Greene RA, Kantety R, Munkvold JD, Miftahudin, Mahmoud A, Ma X, Gustafson PJ, Qi LL, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Matthews DE, Lazo GR, Choa S, Anderson OD, Edwards H, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Akhunov ED, Dvorak J, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Peng J, Lapitan NLV, Gonzalez-Hernandez JL, Anderson JA, Hosssain K, Kalavacharla V, Kianian SF, Choi D-W, Close TJ, Dilbirligi M, Gill KS, Steber C, Walker-Simmons MK, McGuire PE, and Qualset CO. 2003. Comparative DNA sequence analysis of wheat and rice genomes. Genome Res 13:1818-1827. [PDF]


Gaines, Tharran E. 2003. Banking on 1xbet online games login . In: AGCO advantage. Pp. 4-6; Summer 2003.

Raupp WJ ed. 2003.Annual 1xbet online games login Newsletter, volume 49. July 2003. 301 pp.

HTML versions of all issues of theAnnual 1xbet online games login Newslettersposted athttp://1xbet online games login pw.usda.gov/wheatnewsletter/.

Papers published in theProceedings of the 10th International 1xbet online games login Genetics Symposium(Ponga NE, Romano M, Pogna EA, and Galterio G Eds), Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealcultura, Roma, Italy.

Akhunov ED, David JL, Chao S, Lazo G, Anderson OD, Qi L, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, La Rota M, Sorrells ME, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Hossain K, Kianian SF, Peng J, Lapitan NLV, Sidhu D, Gill KS, McGuire PE, Qualset CO, and Dvorak J. 2003. GC composition and codon usage in genes of inbreeding and outcrossing Triticeae species. 1:203-208.

Dvorak J, Akhunov ED, Akhunov AR, Luo M-C, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Hummel D, Lazo G, Chao S, Anderson OD, David J, Qi L, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, La Rota M, Sorrells ME, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Kalavacharla V, Hossain K, Kianian SF, Peng JH, Lapitan NLV, Wennerlind EJ, Nduati V, Anderson JA, Sidhu D, Gill KS, Choi D-W, Close TJ, McGuire PE, and Qualset CO. 2003. New insights into the organization and evolution of wheat genomes. 1:247-253.

1xbet online games login , Faris JD, Huang L, and Qi L. 2003. Wheat gene discovery: a tale of three genes. 1:258-260.

1xbet online games login , Qi L, Echalier B, Chao S, Lazo G, Anderson OD, Akhunov ED, Dvorak J, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Bermudez-Kandianis CE, Greene RA, La Rota M, Sorrells ME, Dilbirligi M, Sidhu D, Eryman M, Gill KS, Miftahudin, Ma X, Mahmoud A, Gustafson JP, Wennerlind EJ, Nduati V, Gonzalez-Hernandez JL, Anderson JA, Peng J, Lapitan NLV, Hossain K, Kalavacharla V, Kianian SF, Pathan MdS, Nguyen HT, Choi DW, Close TJ, McGuire PE, and Qualset CO. 2003. A transcriptome map of wheat. 1:261-264.

Linkiewicz AM, Qi L, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Chao S, Lazo GR, Anderson OD, Akhunov ED, Dvorak J, Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, La Rota CM, Sorrells ME, Hossain K, Kalavacharla V, Kianian SF, Dilbirligi M, Gill KS, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Wennerlind E, Peng J, Lapitan N, Anderson JA, Fenton RD, Close TJ, McGuire ME, Qualset CO, and Dubcovsky J. 2003. A two-thousand loci physical map of wheat homoeologous group 5. 3:986-988.

Luo M-C, Thomas CS, Deal KR, You FM, Anderson OD, Gu Y-Q, Li W, Kuraparthy V, 1xbet online games login , McGuire PE, and Dvorak J. 2003. Construction of contigs ofAegilops tauschiigenomic DNA fragments cloned in BAC and BiBAC vectors. 1:293-296.

Morris CF, Massa A, Gedye K, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Sequence diversity of the puroindoline a and b genes inAegilops tauschii-relationship to kernel texture in 1xbet online games login . 1:451-454.

Peng JH, Zadeh H, Lazo G, Qi L, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Chao S, Anderson OD, Sandhu D, Gill KS, Greene RA, Sorrells ME, Akhunov ED, Dvorak J, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Hossain K, Kianian SF, Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, Wennerlind E, Anderson JA, Pathan MS, Nguyen HT, McGuire PE, Qualset CO, and Lapitan NLV. 2003. A physical map of expressed sequence tags and functional genomics in the group 1 chromosomes of wheatTriticum aestivum. 3:1035-1037.

Sourdille P, Singh S, Cadalen T, 1xbet online games login , Gay G, Dufour P, Murigneux A, and Bernard M. 2003. Genetic map-physical map relationships for homoeologous group 5 in wheat established using microsatellites. 1:317-320.


Plant & Animal Genome XI Abstracts(11-17 January, 2003, San Diego, CA) are athttp://www.Intl-pag.org/.

Akhunov ED, Qi L, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Lazo GR, Chao S, Anderson OD, McGuire PE, Qualset CO, and Dvorak J. 2003. The organization and rate of evolution of the wheat transcriptome are correlated with recombination rates along chromosome arms. PAG XI Abstracts, P353, p. 163.

Anderson OD, Anderson JA, Close TJ, Dubcovsky J, Dvorak J, 1xbet online games login , Gill KS, Gustafson JP, Kianian SF, Lapitan N, Nguyen H, Sorrells M, Steber CM, McGuire PE, and Qualset CO. 2003. Bin-mapping in wheat: toward a physical map of wheat using ESTs and deletion stocks. PAG XI Abstracts, P38, p. 84.

Appels R, Bellgard M, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Deciphering a polyploidy genome: International Genome Research on Wheat (IGROW). PAG XI Abstracts, W286, p. 63.

Brooks SA, Huang L, Herbel M, Faris J, 1xbet online games login , and Fellers J. 2003. Comparative sequencing of a resistance gene island in the D genome of wheat. PAG XI Abstracts, P39, p. 84.

Dvorak J, Anderson OD, 1xbet online games login , Luo M-C, Zhang H, Deal K, Li W, You Fm, Gu YQ, and McGuire PE. 2003. Assessment of the insular organization of the wheat D genome by physical mapping. PAG XI Abstracts, P356, p. 163.

Faris JD, Fellers JP, Brooks SA, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. A BAC contig spanning the major domestication locusQin 1xbet online games login and identification of a candidate gene. PAG XI Abstracts, P368, p. 166.

Faris JD, Fellers JP, Brooks SA, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Polyploid gene regulation: molecular analysis of the major domestication geneQin 1xbet online games login . PAG XI Abstracts, W285, p. 62.

1xbet online games login , Qi L, and Echalier B. 2003. A physical map of 10,000 wheat EST loci. PAG XI Abstracts, W211, p. 48.

Huang L, Brooks SA, Li W, Fellers JP, Trick HN, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Map-based cloning of the leaf rust resistance geneLr21in the large polyploid 1xbet online games login genome. PAG XI Abstracts, W277, p. 61.

Li W, Deal K, Kuraparthy V, Gu Y, Dvorak J, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Anchoring ofAegilops tauschiiBAC contigs to genetic maps with RFLP and EST markers. PAG XI Abstracts, P121, p. 105.

Linkiewicz A, Qi L, 1xbet online games login , Chao S, Anderson OD, and Dubcovsky J. 2003. A thousand loci physical map of wheat chromosomes 5A, 5B and 5D. PAG XI Abstracts, P358, p. 164.

Massa AN, Morris CF, 1xbet online games login , and Freston S. 2003. Sequence diversity at the hardness locus (Ha) and theGsp-1gene ofAegilops tauschii. PAG XI Abstracts, P34, p. 83.

See DR, Giroux M, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Super soft wheat: the effects of multiple copies of puroindoline genes on grain softness. PAG XI Abstracts, P374, p. 168.

Singh S, Huang L, Fritz A, Brown-Guedira G, Hall M, and 1xbet online games login . 2003.Aegilops tauschiiderived leaf rust resistance geneLr41is allelic toLr39and located on chromosome 2DS of 1xbet online games login . PAG XI Abstracts, P387, p. 171.

Zadeh H, Qi L, Echalier B, 1xbet online games login , Chao S, Lazo GR, Anderson OD, Akhunov ED, Dvorak J, Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Miftahudin, Gustafson JP, Dake T, Sorrells ME, Hossain K, Kalavacharla V, Kianian SF, Dilbirligi M, Gill KS, Zhang D, Nguyen HT, Wennerlind E, Anderson JA, Fenton RD, Close TJ, McGuire PE, Qualset CO, and Lapitan N. 2003. Deletion mapping of expressed sequence tags and functional genomics in the group 1 chromosomes of wheat,Triticum aestivum. PAG XI Abstracts, P359, p. 164.

Zhang P, Li W, Fellers J, Friebe B, and 1xbet online games login . 2003. Global elimination of certain retrotransposon-related sequences during polyploidization. PAG XI Abstracts, W287, p. 63.