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  4. »1xbet sports betting Educational Leadership Institute celebrates 10-year anniversary

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September 15, 2021

1xbet sports betting Educational Leadership Institute celebrates 10-year anniversary

Submitted by Sarah Harper

The 1xbet sports betting Educational Leadership Institute, orKELI, a partner with theKansas State University College of Education, celebrated its 10-year anniversary this month.

On Sept. 8, the institute hosted its programs orientation for the first time since 2019. The orientation was held virtually, with more than 240 participants ready to be mentored and welcomed by the college 1xbet sports betting and key players in the creation of KELI.

The institute also partners with the 1xbet sports betting Department of Education, 1xbet sports betting Association of School Boards, United School Administrators of 1xbet sports betting and 1xbet sports betting School Superintendents Association. This orientation welcomed new building leaders, district leaders and special education leaders into the KELI program.

"Even though the annual KELI orientation meeting was moved to Zoom, the learning that occurred was obvious," said Rick Doll, an associate professor and executive director for KELI. "New 1xbet sports betting from across the state connected with their mentors, learned new content, and networked with other new 1xbet sports betting ."

The mission of KELI is separated into two parts: the first is the introduction of the mentees to the program, and the second is the ongoing professional learning opportunities. Each mentee and mentor participated in general professional learning opportunities about three topics; Communications and Culture, Strengthening Social-Emotional Awareness, and Engaging Families and Communities. Each session about the topics provided knowledge and opportunity for everyone in the program to grow in their professional learning, discussion and networking skills with other mentees and mentors.

Over the last 10 years, the institute has provided support for hundreds of new leaders while training veteran leaders to coach and mentor using a research-based approach. Thanks to the support of 1xbet sports betting State University and the College of Education, new leaders have the support they need to effectively lead schools and positively impact student growth.