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July 31, 2020

Come Back 'Cats: Employee 1xbet online casino to campus updates

Submitted by Chuck Taber and Jay Stephens

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Dear colleagues,

Since President Myers first Kansas Sta our plans to return to campus, the COVID-19 situation has continued to evolve. We want to assure 1xbet online casino that we are monitoring the developments closely with a team of university leaders and medical experts. The university is in framework 1xbet sp and we remain committed to our guiding principles that were established at the beginning of our response to the pandemic. As the start of the fall semester nears, we want to share with 1xbet online casino several updates regarding employees' return to our campuses in the coming weeks.

To reduce individual and community risk and de-density our campuses, we encourage all employees who can work remotely to continue to do so. These arrangements can be made directly with supervisors. Employees will be informed by their supervisors when and under what circumstances they are to 1xbet online casino to work on campus and should not 1xbet online casino until authorized.

We have a number of employees who are at a higher risk for COVID-19 complications, or who live with someone who is at higher risk, and whose job duties cannot be performed remotely. We have developed detailed Options f to assist these employees. If 1xbet online casino are an employee who is 65 or older and/or have underlying conditions that place 1xbet online casino at higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19, or who have at-risk household members, 1xbet online casino may visit with your supervisor to determine your options, which could include accommodation in the workplace or for taking accrued leave and/or leave without pay.

We have been monitoring the announcement of plans for K-12 education for school districts in our area. We know that the changing circumstances and uncertainty presents many challenges for all of us, especially members of the 1xbet online casino community with school-age children. Many of you have been balancing work and class schedules with home schooling and/or child care since early March and are making difficult decisions about education and/or childcare. We encourage employees to talk to their supervisors about requests related to work schedules.

We are committed to a compassionate and flexible approach to working with all employees. We encourage our supervisors to be as flexible as possible with employees' schedules.

Earlier this summer, we asked you to take the COVID-19 and Face Mask Safety Training. More than 4,000 of you have completed the training. Come Back 'Cats-Reopening 1xbet online casino is the updated version of that training and will be available Aug. 3 on the 1xbet online casino COVID-19 website. For those of you who have already completed the original training, we strongly encourage you to take the new version. If you have not completed either version of the required training, please do so before returning to campus.

We are asking all members of the 1xbet online casino community to practice prevention behaviors, including wearing a face covering, maintaining a 6-feet physical distance from others outside your home, and washing your hands often. Our vigilance in this regard helps to slow the spread of the virus and protect ourselves and our communities.We also ask every member of the community to voluntarily commit to care for self, fellow Wildcats, and for 1xbet online casino and our surrounding communities by taking the Every wildcat 1xbet online gam.

Several of 1xbet online casino have asked about the protocol if 1xbet online casino , a co-worker or student is exposed to COVID-19. We have recently posted guidance that explains the conditions that must be met before an individual may 1xbet online casino to in-person work, class, or university activities. We have also updated the guidance for Supervisor in working with employees during this time. 1xbet online casino can also find detailed information about employee resources and leave policies, including leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, or FFCRA, on the Human Capital Services website.

The1xbet best casino website and FAQpage is being updated regularly. Please also continue to check the1xbet sports betting 19 updatesfor the most recent updates on fall 2020 planning and 1xbet online casino to our campuses.

It is clear that we will continue to operate throughout the coming year in a fluid and challenging environment that will require adaptation, patience and care for each other and our 1xbet online casino community. Since March, our faculty and staff have been resilient and flexible as we have shifted to emergency remote operations and a phased return. Your support and persistence in delivering our land-grant mission under these extraordinary circumstances are much appreciated.

Thank 1xbet online casino for all 1xbet online casino do,

Chuck Taber
Provost and executive vice president

Vice president for Human Capital Services