Options for high-risk 1xbet online games login

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1xbet online games login adults or individuals with certain underlying 1xbet online games login that place them at higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19, or who have at-risk household members, 1xbet online games login visit with their supervisors about their concerns.

The university 1xbet online games login provide a range of options for the employee, including modifications in the workplace, Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, leave, accrued leave and/or leave without pay. Modifications in the workplace do not include changes to the essential functions of the position/job.

The options provided under this policy are separate and distinct from any leave entitlements or any reasonable accommodations that 1xbet online games login be legally required under state or federal disability laws, and are subject to the needs of the university.

Employees who wish to request a reasonable accommodation for a disability should contact the ADA Coordinator and follow the reasonable accommodation process. Medical documentation 1xbet online games login be required from the employee to demonstrate the need for these accommodations.

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