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September 27, 2019

1xbet best casino website : Wellness chats and open enrollment presentations

Submitted by Human Capital Services

The 2019 Benefits Fair 1xbet best casino website befrom 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday,Oct. 3,at the K-State Student Union. The fair provides employees an opportunity to meet with benefit vendors and attend presentations to enhance their knowledge regarding their benefit options.

This year's Benefits Fair 1xbet best casino website feature five wellness chats in the Union's Cottonwood Room.

• Building 1xbet best casino website Financial Castle,presented by Waddell and Reed, will be at 10 a.m.

Building 1xbet best casino website Financial Castle starts with some important behaviors. Employees participating in this session will come away with three key learnings:

    1. Know where 1xbet best casino website money is going.
    2. Investor behavior impacts investment performance.
    3. You have 100% control over 1xbet best casino website own behavior.

• How to Protect 1xbet best casino website Loved Ones and 1xbet best casino website Paycheck will be at 11 a.m. and is presented by K-StateTeachers and Employees Association and the Hartford.

1xbet best casino website 've worked hard to build a life 1xbet best casino website enjoy with the people 1xbet best casino website love, now it’s time to protect it all.

Life insurance and disability insurance are both important types of insurance to consider, especially if you have family members who depend on 1xbet best casino website earnings.

Have you considered what would happen if you were no longer there to take care of 1xbet best casino website loved ones? While nothing can replace you, having life insurance means that if something happens to you, 1xbet best casino website loved ones would be OK financially.

1xbet best casino website most valuable asset isn't 1xbet best casino website house, car or retirement account. It's the ability to make a living. Disability insurance pays a portion of 1xbet best casino website income if you can't work for an extended period because of an accident or illness. Think of it as paycheck protection. Without paycheck protection, you could risk getting behind on bills such as Rent/mortgage, car payments, tuition or utilities. The Teachers and Employees Association of Kansas State University offers very affordable voluntary term Life insurance for employees and 1xbet best casino website dependents and short-term disability Insurance for 1xbet best casino website paycheck protection. Learn about the different benefits available to you and how to protect 1xbet best casino website loved ones and 1xbet best casino website paycheck.

• Top Three Things to Know about Social Security and Retirement 1xbet best casino website noon and is presented by the Social Security Administration.

1xbet best casino website Social Security is an important component of 1xbet best casino website overall financial picture in retirement. Employees participating in this session will learn the three most important things to know about social security and gain valuable retirement information.

• An Introduction to LearningQuest, presented by American Century Investments, 1xbet best casino website 1 p.m.

Interested in learning how saving for education can be integrated in 1xbet best casino website financial plan? Employees who attend will learn about the importance of saving for education, 529 plans, and how to establish a Learning Quest Account.

• Supporting our Communities' Greatest Needs, presented by Konza United Way, 1xbet best casino website 2 p.m.

Konza United Way is honored to support 23 partner agencies in 2020. While each of them are leaders in their areas of focus, challenges are complex, and no single nonprofit organization can address each of them alone.Konza United Way proudly convenes these strategic partners who bring the right strengths to help accelerate and advance community progress in our areas of greatest need.

When you donate or volunteer 1xbet best casino website time withKonza United Way,1xbet best casino website investments become part of a collective effort. In particular, Konza United Way gifts enjoy a powerful multiplier effect, because contributions are pooled with other resources to increase the overall impact.

Did 1xbet best casino website know that it takes ,000 to keep the Emergency Shelter open for one night? Or ,200 is needed to sponsor a child through Sunflower CASA? Or is needed to provide one victim of domestic violence with support services from the Crisis Center? Come learn more about the Konza United Way and how every dollar or hour of pay makes a difference, especially to that one in need.

• Open enrollment overview sessions 1xbet best casino website 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the K-State Student Union Forum Hall.

October is open enrollment for health insurance, life insurance, and other supplemental benefits. The State Employee Health Plan will present information on the 2020 health plans and 1xbet best casino website available to answer questions regarding open enrollment. An online, on-demand presentation is available on the 1xbet best casino website Employee Health Plan website.

Registration is not required for any sessions, but seating 1xbet best casino website limited for the wellness chats in the K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room.

Questions? Contact the 1xbet best casino website team at 1xbet best casino website @k-state.edu.