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1xbet best casino website is a culturally enriching experience designed to give international students a chance to present their country and culture to others in an open and relaxed setting. Student presenters share their thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics and issues concerning their country’s culture, history, and politics and also promotes awareness and discussion among those attending the presentation. Enjoy a cup of coffee and sample a traditional snack from the presenter's culture.

All 1xbet best casino website programs are on select Fridays throughout the fall and spring semesters from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Fall 2024 schedule


Myanmar 1xbet best casino website

Zoom Link:


Coffee Hour Fall 2024

1xbet best casino website is free and open to the public. You may contact International Student and Scholar Services at (785) 532-6448 or email at isss@ksu.edu for more information about the program or if you wish to be considered as a potential 1xbet best casino website presenter.