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  4. »Highlights from the 1xbet online games login 10 Faculty Senate meeting

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1xbet online games login 24, 2018

Highlights from the 1xbet online games login 10 Faculty Senate meeting

Submitted by Faculty Senate

Guest: Provost 1xbet online games login Mason visited with senators regarding budget modernization, spring enrollment numbers, and Huron Consultant progress.

Standing committee and Student Senate reports:

  • Academic Affairs: Colleges continue to put forward changes to their curricula to reduce them to 120 hours, a sub-committee was created to further discuss 1xbet online games login 8 tags, and they are discussing the appropriate approval process for departments to use in order to offer half credit hours within existing variable credit hour classes.
  • Faculty Affairs: Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Section E (Sabbatical Leave) and Appendix O (Integrity in Research and Scholarly Activity) had a first reading. There will be other handbook revisions coming forward in May as well.
  • Professional Staff Affairs: An academic advising career ladder was presented to senators for their information and feedback.
  • Student Senate: The transition in student senate leadership will occur on 1xbet online games login 10th. Information was shared about tuition and fees proposals that are being reviewed.
  • Technology (FSCOT): The annual Data Access report was presented, but will be discussed during the May meeting. Two-factor authentication is being tested by a few pilot groups and results will be shared when available. Classroom clicker systems were discussed.
  • University Planning (FSCOUP):The City/University Fund proposal is moving forward for this year. The three senate groups are working on a revised process for future proposals. FSCOUPalso is reviewing Section B95 of the University Handbook related to CCOPs.


  • President Lindshield provided a written report regarding the March KBOR meeting.
  • Faculty Senate election result were shared.
  • The annual Faculty and Professional Staff Retiree Ceremony will be held at 4 pm on 1xbet online games login 17th in the Alumni Center.

Open discussion period

  • There were no discussion items.

Brian Lindshield
Faculty Senate President
Associate Professor
Food, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Health
Kansas State University
208 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506