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April 24, 2018

1xbet best casino website McNair Scholars honored at annual ceremony

Submitted by Maggie R Borders

Scholars and staff conclude the 21st annual MKN McNair Heartland Research Conference in September 2017.

The McNair Scholars Program hosted its annual Scholars Recognition Banquet on April 23 to celebrate the accomplishments of its current scholars and alumni who have achieved higher degrees. Students, alumni, faculty, staff, administrators, friends, and family gathered in the 1xbet best casino website Student Union Ballroom for the celebration.

Twelve McNair 1xbet best casino website were honored for having completed their research internships in the summer of 2017:

• Tera Brandt, animal sciences and industry, Overland Park, 1xbet best casino website Thomas Schermerhorn, professor of clinical sciences.
• Trevin Garcia, English, Liberal, 1xbet best casino website Mary Kohn, associate professor of English.
• Gehrig Geissinger, biology, Abilene, 1xbet best casino website Lorena Passarelli, professor of biology.
• Alejandra Gonzalez, modern languages, Liberal, 1xbet best casino website Laura Valentín-Rivera, assistant professor of modern languages.
• Demond Handley, mathematics, Kansas City, 1xbet best casino website Majid Jaberi-Douraki, assistant professor of mathematics.
• Kenyanna Jones, animal sciences and industry, Overland Park, 1xbet best casino website Scott Beyer, associate professor of animal sciences and industry.
• Hannah Lusk, biochemistry, Lawrence, mentored by Ruth Welti, 1xbet best casino website distinguished professor of biology.
• Austin Magette, psychology, Dodge City, 1xbet best casino website Jared Durtschi, associate professor of family studies and human services.
• Jennica Rogers, psychology, Manhattan, 1xbet best casino website Heather Bailey, assistant professor of psychological sciences.
• Zaira Ruiz, sociology, Liberal, 1xbet best casino website Alisa Garni, associate professor of sociology, anthropology and social work.
• Shelbey Taylor, animal sciences and industry, Kansas City, 1xbet best casino website James Lattimer, assistant professor of animal sciences and industry.
• Coraima Yañez, life sciences, Tribune, 1xbet best casino website Weiping Zhang, professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.

Volunteer librarians who assisted 1xbet best casino website with conducting research were also recognized. These librarians include Melia Fritch, Adriana Gonzalez, Sara Kearns, Dan Ireton, Cindy Logan, Livia Olsen, Carol Sevin, Kendra Spahr and Alice Trussell.

The new cohort of McNair 1xbet best casino website , who will be completing their research internships this summer, were also introduced with their volunteer faculty mentors.

One alumni received special recognition for fulfilling the ultimate goal of the program by earning a doctorate degree. James Bailey earned a doctorate in algorithms, combinaotrics, and optimization 1xbet best casino website the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is currently completing postdoctoral research with engineering systems and design at Singapore University of Technology and Design. During his time in the McNair Program, Bailey was mentored by Todd Easton.
The program also recognized 10 1xbet best casino website McNair alumni who recently earned graduate degrees:

  • Joshua Bonilla, master's degree in philosophy 1xbet best casino website Texas Tech University.
  • Johanna Diaz, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 1xbet best casino website Kansas State University.
  • Kathryn Douglass, master's degree in biological systems engineering 1xbet best casino website Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Jesus Garcia, Doctor of Medicine 1xbet best casino website the University of Kansas.
  • Talus McCowan, master's degree in pharmacology 1xbet best casino website the University of North Dakota.
  • Lee Rathbun, master's degree in political science 1xbet best casino website SUNY Binghamton.
  • Perla Salazar, master's degree in education 1xbet best casino website Fort Hays State University.
  • Stevie St. Clair, master's degree in social work 1xbet best casino website the University of Kansas.
  • Derrick Till, master's degree in psychology 1xbet best casino website University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
  • Graham Weaver, master's degree in history 1xbet best casino website Kansas State University.

The McNair Scholars Program is administrated by the U.S. Department of Education and authorized by Congress to prepare academically talented undergraduates for success in graduate studies. To be eligible, students must be low-income and in the first generation 1xbet best casino website their families to complete a bachelor’s degree, and/or 1xbet best casino website an ethnic group under-represented in graduate study. The goal of the program is to increase the number of people 1xbet best casino website these groups holding graduate degrees and serving in the ranks of faculty and researchers.

The McNair 1xbet best casino website Program will begin recruiting new participants this summer. Eligible students with an interest in graduate study are encouraged to apply. Faculty and staff who know of potential candidates should refer them to the program and/or contact the McNair office. For more information, see the program website.