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April 26, 2016

The Open Textbook Network presents three workshops today

Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

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The Libraries'Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship presents a day of free workshops April 26 by the Open Textbook Network, OTN), an alliance of higher education institutions committed to promoting the use of open textbooks. Attend one or attend them all.

How do open textbooks help students? How can a 1xbet online games login faculty member adopt an open textbook? How do libraries best support the open textbook effort? The Open Textbook Network has answers for everyone.

  • Supporting OA textbooks, 11 a.m. to noon, Hemisphere Room, 501 Hale Library.
    A workshop for instructors, librarians and those who provide technical or administrative support for open textbooks.
  • Funding OA textbooks, 2-3 p.m.,Hemisphere Room, 501 Hale Library
    Past Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative winners share their experiences in adapting and using open and alternative texts in the classroom.
  • Identifying potential OA textbooks, 3:30-5 p.m., 407 Hale Library.
    Instructors are invited to explore possible open textbook solutions.

Contact the Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship at cads@1xbet online games login edu or 785-532-7444.

The Open Access Lecture Series has been created with support from the Graduate School and 1xbet online games login Libraries. Funding for these events is provided through the provost's Academic Excellence Award.

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