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K-State Today

February 27, 2014

Swanson publishes a book about 1xbet best casino website social responsibility

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Diane Swanson, the Edgerley family chair in business administration professor of management, has published the book "Embedding CSR into 1xbet best casino website Culture: Challenging the Executive Mind." The publisher is Palgrave Macmillan in the United Kingdom.

She will use this book in May to teach in the executive doctoral program in the Center for Values-Driven Leadership at Benedictine 1xbet best casino website near Chicago.

The book demonstrates that a new frontier for 1xbet best casino website social responsibility is possible in theory and practice. The key idea — discovery leadership — enables 1xbet best casino website managers to deal effectively with problems, issues and value clashes occurring at the corporation-society interface. Amoral leadership and executive myopia are replaced by normative receptivity and value attunement that embed value awareness in 1xbet best casino website culture. The discovery executive leverages this awareness by activating the values that facilitate constructive relationships with the firm's stakeholders. As a practical result, employee engagement in 1xbet best casino website social responsibility is strengthened while the need for social control of business is lessened. Both business and society benefit from discovery leadership because value-attuned decision making yields better economic, social, and environmental performance than is possible when myopic executives are at the helm. Therefore, discovery leadership should serve as the organizing principle for reshaping management practice, reforming management education, and restoring the public's confidence in business.