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2019-2020 1xbet online casino

Thirsty Thursdays
Meet, mingle, and enjoy some merriment! Meet for happy hour once a month at Union Station by JP’s.

Explore the World of Wine
Sample wines from around the world with friends and the guidance of a sommelier. It is necessary to sign up each year to catch one of the limited openings.

Food! Fun! Fellowship! Singles and couples, novices and experts – all are welcome. Hosting, menu planning, cooking, and expenses are shared. Meets monthly at members’ homes.

Dine-Out Night
Explore Manhattan’s culinary offers. Join others for dinner once a month at various hot spots in the Little Apple.

Creative Cooking
Looking for an excuse to try that new recipe? Join us! Share your cooking, and experience others in our monthly potluck party. Meets at members’ homes.

Finally Friday (Faculty Networking Groups)
Meet and network with other faculty and staff. Celebrate the end of another work week with a glass of wine or beer at a bar, dining out, or enjoy a night of board games or bowling. Your suggestions are welcome!

Creative Journaling/Write a Family Memory
Join others on the third Tuesday of each month. Contact Linda Gallagher for details: 785 539-8514 or 785 556-4297.

Tea Enthusiasts
For tea lovers or those who wish to try new teas! We will enjoy different types of tea (white, green, oolong, black, and herbal), sample tea from different regions, and explore flavored teas. Iced and hot tea fans are welcome!

Please Note: 1xbet online casino are open to all members of the Kansas State University Social Club.
1xbet online casino usually meet monthly during the academic year and regular attendance is greatly appreciated.

1xbet online casino Group Registration

You may join an 1xbet online casino Group when submitting your membership registration form in September. If joining Social Club mid-year, you may also sign up for an 1xbet online casino Group by contacting a chairperson or Social Club President.

Please remember, you must be a member of Social Club to join an 1xbet online casino Group.