dr 1xbet online games login. Rachel Levitt

Teaching associate professor

Rachel newLeasure Hall 003B
Office hours by appointment

BA, California State University, Northridge
MA, California State University, Northridge
PhD, University of New Mexico

In addition to their work in the Social Transformation 1xbet online games login department, Dr. Rachel Levitt also heads K-State's Transgender Task Force, is co-chair of 1xbet online games login * Faculty and Staf, is Faculty Mentoring Coordinator in the Mission statement 1xbet best, and currently serves as co-chair of the Flint Hills Human Rights Project board. In their spare time, Dr. Levitt loves to cook fancy things, go swimming, and binge-watch feminist true crime. They also share their birthday with the fabulous Billy Porter!

Research interests

Dr. Levitt's research interests include Queer and Feminist Theories of Violence, Queer of Color Critique, Queer Native 1xbet online games login , Queer Disability 1xbet online games login , Intersectional Activism, Critical University 1xbet online games login , and Legal 1xbet online games login .

Select publications

Review of the book Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law. QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking. (Fall, 2013).

"Silence Speaks Volumes." In Silence, Feminism, Power: Reflections on the Edges of Sound, edited by Aimee Carrillo Rowe and Sheena Malhotra, 90-109. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Review of the book When Did Indians Become Straight? Kinship, the History of Sexuality, and Native Sovereignty. American Indian Quarterly. Vol. 36, No. 3 (Summer, 2012).

Teaching awards

Dr. Levitt has been recognized with multiple teaching and mentoring awards, including: the Davids-Dunham Award for excellence as a teacher and scholar, the William L. Stamey Award for outstanding undergraduate teaching, the LGBT Resource Center's Esteemed Faculty Award for exceptional support and advocacy for queer students, and the University Honors Program Faculty Teaching and Mentoring Award, among others.


STRAN 400: Transforming Society

GWSS 810: Theories and Methodologies in Gender, Women, and Sexuality 1xbet online games login

GWSS 799: Independent Study for Graduate Students (previous topics have included Queer 1xbet online games login , Sexual Violence, Intersections of Trauma, LGBTQ Activisms, African Feminisms, and Comparative Colonialisms. Can arrange topic with professor)

1xbet online games login 700: Independent Study, “Queer Theory and Education.”

1xbet online games login 560: Intersections of Violence and Resistance

GWSS 510: Gender, Women, and Sexuality 1xbet online games login Methods

1xbet online games login 410: Feminist Thought

1xbet online games login 405: Resistance and Social Movements

1xbet online games login 380: Global Struggles for Queer, Feminist, and Transgender Justice

GWSS 325: Queer 1xbet online games login : Concepts, History, Politics

1xbet online games login 300: Legal Injustice

1xbet online games login 300: Queer Rights and the Law

GWSS 105: Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality 1xbet online games login

UHP 189: College Activism and Social Justice