1xbet online games login * Faculty and Staff Alliance at K-State

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Who We Are:

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or 1xbet online games login * Faculty Staff Alliance consists of both classified and unclassified K-State employees as well as Graduate Students. While the organization's name is a basic reflection of historically names, recognized, and marginalized identities, we also want to emphasize that it is not comprehensively representational of the intersectional identities of our membership. The members of our organization are deeply committed to advocating for sexuality and gender identity social justice.

What We Do:

The purpose of 1xbet online games login *FSA is to support and advocate for sexuality and gender identity based issues on the Kansas State University campus. We accomplish this by encouraging and supporting to following;

  • Advocating for the recruitment, retention, and professional advancement of 1xbet online games login and gender identity minority faculty and staff.
  • Assisting in the recruitment and retention of 1xbet online games login students with the goal to increase graduation rates.
  • Serving in a variety of mentorship roles for our 1xbet online games login and peers, both professionally and personally.
  • Maintaining a cultural presence on the 1xbet online games login and in the community to develop community building.
  • Providing input in institutional planning committees involved in varied 1xbet online games login practices and advocacy for sexuality and gender identity issues in policy and in representation on our campus

By working with campus organizations and entities we advance diversity and multi-cultural initiatives and programs within Kansas State 1xbet online games login and the advancement of civil rights and social justice for all members of the campus community.

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How To Get Involved:

Please contact a member of the executive board for additional 1xbet online games login on attending meetings, other events, and to get added to our listserv for more updated and timely 1xbet online games login .

Current Executive Board

Instagram Logo Follow Us on Instagram: @ksu_lgbtq.fsa