scicomm 1xbet online games login 2019

logoThe Kansas 1xbet online games login Communication Initiative is proud to be co-hosting SciComm 2019 with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The conference will be March 22-24 in Manhattan, Kansas.

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The conference is dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication of 1xbet online games login to diverse audiences — including students of all levels as well as the general public — across all venues. Mission and history 1xbet online games login

Key focus areas

  • Informal STEM learning: Engaging students and the general public through informal activities conducted outside of the classroom.

  • 1xbet online games login communication research: Discovering the best methods to ensure that your audience engages with and retains scientific communications.

  • K-12 STEM: Supporting the effective dissemination of scientific information and investigative skills in K-12 classrooms.

  • Disciplinary-based education research: Facilitating student comprehension and retention of scientific concepts.

  • 1xbet online games login and media: Enabling collaboration between scientists and 1xbet online games login communicators in today's dynamic media environment.

  • Broader impacts: Helping scientists determine the best way to expand the reach of their work.

Keynote speakers

LeeDanielle N. Lee is an outreach scientist who studies animal behavior and behavioral ecology. Dr. Lee currently studies the behavioral biology of small mammals across urban gradients. Her research includes examining individual behavior variation of mice and rats in the Metro St. Louis area and the natural history of African giant pouched rats. She is passionate about 1xbet online games login outreach and is well known for her 1xbet online games login promotion and outreach in social media. Lee was selected as a 2015 TED Fellow and was named as one of EBONY Magazine’s Power 100 and a White House Champion of Change in STEM Diversity and Access. Her current 1xbet online games login outreach efforts emphasize engagement with broader audiences via 1xbet online games login journalism. In 2013, Lee helped found the National 1xbet online games login & Technology News Service, a media literacy initiative to bring more 1xbet online games login news to African-American audiences and promote 1xbet online games login news source diversity in mainstream media. Follow her on Twitter at @DNLee5.

foltaKevin Folta has a background in both biology and communications. He has studied biology and agricultural biotechnology for more than 30 years, working exclusively in public academic institutions. His research program examines the role of light in controlling plant traits, especially those relevant to agriculture. His group is known for using innovative genomics approaches to identify genes associated with fruit quality, especially flavors and aromas. Folta has been a professor at the University of Florida since 2002 and was chair of the horticultural sciences department for five years. Among other honors, Folta has received the CAST Borlaug Agricultural Communications Award and an NSF CAREER Award. He hosts the Talking Biotech Podcast.

Other events

Both learning and entertainment will be abundant! Contributed talks will be offered in three "tracks:" media, informal education, and outreach/communication for scientists and researchers. The conference will include pre-conference workshops, a film festival and lightning talks on Friday evening, a chance to practice skills by offering 1xbet online games login experiences for families at Sunset Zoo on Saturday afternoon, an "Explain it like I'm 5!" Open Mic Night on Saturday, and more.

Travel and accommodations

Find information on Manhattan Regional Airport and 1xbet online games login hotels within walking distance.